Timeline Of My Dads Life And Career.

  • Birth

    Today is the day my dad was born into this world and took off to start learning about the world and preparing for the future.
  • Period: to


    this timeline is to show when my dad completed the most significant things in his life
  • Graduation

    My dad graduated from Arthur Voden and decided he wasn't going to collage or university and spent a few years at home it took him a few extra years to graduate
  • Love at first sight

    Love at first sight
    This is the year my Dad met my mom. One day they were both shopping in Walmart and the accidentally crashed into each other and my dad asked her on a date
  • Life Time Career Decision

    Life Time Career Decision
    This is the year that my dad found his forever career at the Brick in London ON. My dads dad was friends with the boss there and all my dad had to do was ask for a job and he has been working there as a delivery driver ever since
  • The best day of his life

    The best day of his life
    This was the day his first daughter with my mom was brought into this world... Me!
  • Marriage

    On this day my dad married my mom and lived happily ever after to live out his future
  • Kids

    By this time in my dads life he and my mom had five kids 4 girls one boy
  • Present

    My dad is still a full time employee at the brick driving trucks. He has been through a lot but has shown a lot of perseverance and hope to one day be as confident as him