Luna 1 (Russia)
this was a flyby done by Russia to start the space race -
Pioneer 4 (United States)
This was a flyby that was done by the US to compete with Russia in the space race -
Ranger 1 (Unoted States)
This was an attempted space flight. -
Ranger 7 (United States)
IMPACT has been made! -
Surveyor 3 (United States)
lander -
Aplollo 8
crewed orbiter -
Apollo 10
orbiter -
Apollo 11
Crew landing -
Apollo 13
Crew landing (aborted) -
Apollo 14
Crew landing -
Apollo 16
Crew landing and walking on the moon. -
Clementine (US)
flyby orbiters -
lunar impactor and orbiter -
Gravity Recovery And Interior Labratory (GRAIL)
Lunar Atmosphere And Dust Enviroment Explorer (LADEE