Timeline of Landmark Legislation

  • Plessy VS Ferguson

    Plessy VS Ferguson
    Plessy v Ferguson gave birth to the separate but qual act. This started with the already enacted street car act that required riders to be segregated by color. Plessy refused to sit in the colored section of the street cars after purchasing a ticket for the whites on section. This opened up the argument for equality in the facilities that were being segregated. The affects of this case were said to be seen immediately in the funding for segregated schools.
  • Brown VS Board of Education

    Brown VS Board of Education
    A court case that ruled segregated public schools to be unconstitutional. Brown's daughter Linda had to walk six blocks to attend the school she was required to attend because of the "separate but equal" act. Several attempts by African American parents to enroll their kids in schools nearby had been denied. This court case paved the way for integrated schools and equality in education.
  • Tribal Colleges and Universities

    Tribal Colleges and Universities
    The Tribal College movement grew out of the American Indian "self-determination" movement of the 1960s. Tribal colleges and institutions are those distinguished by being operated by American Indian tribes. These institutions are also eligible for funding under the Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities Assistance Act.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX followed after the civil right act which ended discrimination in various fields based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Title IX ensure that no person be subject to discrimination, excluded or denied benifits with in any education program or activity receiving federal funds. Although the act needed extensive clarification when in came to gender roles in sports. During Obama's presidency he emphasized used Title IX to sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Milliken v. Bradley

    Milliken v. Bradley
    This court case dealt with the planned desegregation busing of public school students across district lines in metropolitan Detroit. Concerning the plans to integrate public schools in the United States following Brown v. Board of Education. The Court held that the school systems were not responsible for desegregation across district lines unless it could be shown that they had each deliberately engaged in a policy of segregation.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children's Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children's Act
    The Education for All Handicapped Children's Act requires all schools that receive federal funds to provide equal access to education to for children with mental and physical disabilities. This act also ensured that the decisions being made for the child were fair and appropriate. We see how this helped create the individualized learning plan that benefits all students in the education system.
  • Plyler VS Doe

    Plyler VS Doe
    Thanks to this case, states could not constitutionally deny free education on account of their immigration status. Only those who can show proof of legal status were allowed admittence to free public education. A group of students from Mexico filed a law suit against this policy and it was discovered that this policy violated the constitution. Students are no longer denied free public education because of their legal status.
  • Proposition 227

    Proposition 227
    This proposition requires California public schools to teach enough language learners in a specialized class thats taught in nearly all English. The intention of this was to eliminate bilingual classes.The main goal of these programs is to make students fluent in English. Although the intention was to ensure that these students can communicate in English, this hindered students who were no to the country not knowing any English and not being allowed to speak in their own language in class.