Timeline of Landmark Legislation

  • The First Schools

    The General Court of Massachusetts made it necessary to have every town of 50 or more people to have a school. While they weren't schools for education but for bible studies. In early America puritans, made it mandatory to study the bible. They only studied their religion.
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    Plessy Vs Ferguson

    This was a Supreme Court case in which the declared it constitutional that segregation was separate but equal. The case started when Plessy would not sit in the black only compartment of a train. Unfortunately his case was not in his favor. The Supreme Court thought as long as he could sit and it was in the same train, it was equal.
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    Unequal Pay

    The NCAAP sued southern states for their unequal pay between black and white teachers. Hoping to avoid losing black citizens to up north, they increased the spending of black schools in the south.
  • Brown vs The Board of Education

    Prior to this case, kids of different races were not allowed in the same school. After the case, they deemed it was not separate or equal. They said it was unfair and too mentally damaging for black kids.
  • Engel Vs Vitale

    In New York, the beginning of school would start with a prayer. The action was challenged due to it being against the first amendment. In which, the Supreme Court Agreed.
  • Tinker Vs Des Moines

    To protest the Vietnam war, Tinker and her brother wore black armbands. When they forced them to take it off, it was taken to court, as it was a violation to the 1st amendment, freedom of speech, in which Supreme Court agreed with Tinker.
  • Title IX

    Title IX is a education amendment established in 1972. It states that no school shall discriminate based on sex. They also can't discriminate on financial assistance and activities regardless of sex.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act was enacted by congress in 1975. The act requires public schools requesting federal funds to provide education to kids with mental and physical disabilities. Schools are expected to make a educational plan with parent input that would give the kids the best education possible.
  • Plyer Vs Doe

    There was a law in Texas that withhold school funds for undocumented children. It was then taken to the Supreme Court where the law was abolished. It was against the 14th amendment and discriminated them over a factor out of the kids control.
  • New Jersey Vs T.L.O

    T.L.O was a 14 year old student who was caught my a teacher smoking weed in the bathroom. She then checked her person and found cigarettes and weed. When taken to court, T.L.O was found not guilty as she has a right to keep stuff in her purse and was against the 4th amendment.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187 was passed in California, which made it illegal for children of illegal immigrants to go to school, which federal courts deemed unconstitutional. It was a big deal as it lead to a Anti-Immigrant feeling across the country. Proposition 209 was made to reverse it.
  • Santa Fe Independent School District Vs Doe

    In Texas, at a schools football games, a band of students would do prayer over the loudspeaker. Other students sued the school saying the first amendment should be applied. Supreme Court rejected their request saying since it was student oriented and not school it was allowed.