Plessy v. Ferguson
This was a case about a man who was kicked off of a train because he did not move to a segregated car reserved for African Americans when he was only one eight of that race. The state of Louisiana at the time viewed segregated schools okay as long as they were equal (which is a contradiction in itself) so the supreme court did not see violation in any amendements. -
Pierce v. Society of Sisters
This case started in the twentieth century where catholic nuns sued the governonr of Oregon because there was a law at the time that stated that all children had to go to public schools. The case ended in 1925, the supreme court ruled the Oregon law unconstitutional because it interferred with parents rights on deciding their childs education. This case was a part of religion issues because the law stopped forms of religion such as catholic schools. -
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
This case was a victory for Jehova witnesses in west Virginia. The supreme court ruled any laws made by schools requiring students to salute the flag or say the pledge of allegiance unconstituional because this ties into the free speach clause of the first amendement. It is against Jehova Witnesses religion to salute or pledge any symbols and schools can no longer force someone to go against their religion, that is why this is a part of religion issues. -
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
This was a United States Supreme Course case where the court emabled state laws making the sepration of black and white children in public schools unconstitutional. They realized sepertae schools for different races could never be equal. -
Higher Education Act
The Higher Education Act in 1965 also known as Title IV allows the federal finanical aid programs for students. The cost of tuition is aided with these programs and any left over amount is funded to the students as a loan. Grants, loans, and federal work study are examples of these programs. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This act provides funding for both primary and secondary education. This also allowed schools to have bilingual education programs for minority children. This act tries to eliminate the achievement gap by providing other ways of getting a good education such as special programs and through funds for materials. -
Larry P. v. Riles
This case was about African American children being wrongly placed in special education classes in California. The court made the schools change their assesements and adjust their curriculum which was lacking in ensuring a good education for poor minorities such as the ones being placed in special education classes when they just werent bering taught well or as equally well as other students in other schools. Some of the tests they used were IQ and personality tests which the court ruled invalid -
Title IX of the Education Amendments
U.S congress enforced that no students or employees in the United states be excluded, denied, or discriminated against any educational program that recieves federal financial assistance due to their sex. This falls under issues of gender because before this students and employees were discriminated aginst due to their gender. -
Education of All Handicapped Children Act
This act enforced all public schools receiving funds to support an equal education for children with disabilities. Schools had to give free meals to handicapped children and come up with lesson plans for them to learn. This act also established wheel chair ramps and other merchandise for handicapped children in schools. -
Pyler v. Doe
This case allowed children of undocumented immigrants to recieve an eucation even though they are in our country illegally. They were still people entitled to education so under the fourteenth amendment schools had to teach them.