Timeline of Key Events During World War II

By semck4
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    Timeline of Key Events in World War II

    An overview of WW II dates, to give you a general sense of the timeline of the war.
  • World War II Officially Begins

    Germany invades Poland's capital city in a massive encirclement attack, and Warsaw officially surrenders within weeks.
  • Germany Launches Large Scale Invasion

    After invading Norway and Denmark one month earlier, Germany continues by invading Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France. Within weeks, all but France have surrendered.
  • Germany Bombs Great Britain

    Germany begins its bombing raid against Great Britain in the "Battle of Britain." At least 32,000 civilians were killed and another 87,000 were seriously injured. Also, two million houses were destroyed, 60% of these were in London.
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan launched a surprise attack on Hawaii's Naval base where more than 2,300 American soldiers and sailors died, and 1,100 are wounded. The next day, President F.D. Roosevelt receives approval to declare war on Japan and begins mobilizing civilians on the home front.
  • A Turning Point in Favor of the Allies

    The Allies defeat Japan in the "Battle of Midway" near the Hawaiian coast. This marks a major turning point in the war.
  • Italy Surrenders and the Axis Forces Are Weakened

    President Roosevelt publicly announces that Italy has surrendered to the Allied forces, which had been signed in Sicily 5 days earlier. Italy became the first of the Axis Powers to break and this substantially weakened their efforts.
  • The Infamous "D-Day" in Normandy

    Allied troops launched the largest amphibious attack in history by invading 5 beaches in Normandy on a 50 mile front in a calculated effort to liberate Western Europe from Nazi control. It has been estimated that 10,000 Allied soldiers were killed, wounded, and missing in action from that first day alone.
  • Germany Surrenders to the Allies

    Germany Surrenders to Allied forces in Reims, France, essentially ending World War II in Europe. Knowing that he was defeated, Hitler committed suicide and left Karl Donitz to officially surrender and end the war on this continent.
  • U.S. Bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    U.S. troops drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima (Aug. 6) and Nagasaki (Aug. 9) and became the first and only nation to use atomic weaponry during a war. As a result, an estimated 215,000 Japanese, American, and Korean people died as a direct or indirect result of these bombings by the end of 1945.
  • Japan Surrenders and World War II Ends Completely

    Representatives from the Japanese government sign the "Japanese Instrument of Surrender" with Allied forces present aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, officially ending the war in it's entirety.