John stuart mill 11

Timeline of John Stuart Mill May 20 1873-May 07 1873

  • Birth of John Stuart Mill

  • Writings and editing career

    During the years 1832 to 1833 he wrote many essays for Tait’s Magazine, The Jurist, and The Monthly Repository. In 1835 Sir William Molesworth founded The London Review, with Mill as editor. the years following till 1844 mill's published several essays on theorys.
  • philosophys

    during his years as a philosopher he published many works such as the philosophy of language and logic , the foundations of theoretical language , and the sharpening reason the philosophy of science.
  • First published book

    Mills first essay was published in Frasers magazine as a trio in 1861 and then collected and published as a book in 1863
  • Publishing of the logic

    Mill also began to write again on the wider philosophical questions that had occupied him in the Logic. In 1865 he published both his Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s Philosophy and his Auguste Comte and Positivism, but in both writings his motives were largely political.
  • Death of John Stuart Mill

    On May eighth of 1893 John Stuart Mill Died of a disease called Erysipelas.