The Annunciation -
This is when Mary was asked by Angel Gabriel, the messenger of God if she wanted to be the son of God and she Mary said yes. -
The Birth of Jesus-
Jesus is born in a stable in Jerusalem and was visited by the Three Wise Men where he gets gifts. -
Fleeing to Egypt-
Mary, Joseph and Jesus flee to Egypt to escape King Herod that is killing all the babies under 2 years old -
(Age 2) The Death of King Herod -
King Herod dies and Mary , Joseph and Jesus come back home to Nazareth. -
Traditional Birth of Jesus-
Originally people thought that Jesus was born in the year 0 but recently, with this new technology, scientists have found out that He was born somewhere between 7-4BC -
(Age 12) Jesus in the Temple -
Jesus and His parents go to a festival in Jerusalem and when His parents leave Jesus stays in Jerusalem. His parents kept on travelling for a day but realised Jesus wasn't in their company. His parents went back to Jerusalem and after 3 days they found his teaching the Religious Teachers. -
Period: 6 to 24
(Age 12 -30) Jesus works as a carpenter.
Jesus works as a carpenter, inherited from his father - Joseph. -
(Age 30) The Wedding at Cana
This was Jesus' first miracle.The Wedding at Cana had no more wine. So Mary asked Jesus if he could help make wine. Jesus told Mary that he wasn't ready but Mary has lots of faith in Jesus so Jesus still did it. Jesus told the servants to fill huge jars with water. They questioned Jesus but they did what they were told and then Jesus turned the water into wine. -
(Age 30) John the Baptist Baptises Jesus -
Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan river to be baptised by John. John questions Jesus saying that he needs to be baptised by Jesus not him baptising Jesus. John then consents with Jesus then he baptises Jesus. After the baptism dove comes from heaven and a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased.” -
(Age 30) Jesus in the Desert
Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the Judaean Desert. Satan came to him and tried to tempt him to eat some food. This event is what started lent. -
(Age 31) Sermon on the Mount
On the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus went on the mountainside and taught the disciples his prayers and his sayings. Some of these prayers/sayings are The Beatitudes, Salt and Light and more. -
(Age 32) Jesus feeds the 5000
Many people came to see Jesus. Evening approached and the crowd was getting hungry. No one had food so Jesus sent the disciples to find food in the crowd. They only found a little boy with 5 fish and 2 loaves of bread. Jesus told the disciples to bring it to him and Jesus duplicated the food and He handed the food to all the people. -
The Last Supper
During The Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples gather. Jesus washes the disciples feet and then they go eat. Jesus had some bread, with the bread, he broke it and gave it to the disciples saying " Take this all of you, for this is my body that is given up for you". Jesus then gets wine and holds it up saying "Take this all of you, for this is my blood that is given up for you". -
Garden of Gethsemane
The Garden of Gethsemane was when Jesus prayed to God, asking for courage and strength during this time. Jesus asked Peter, James and John to come with him to look out for anyone that was coming but they fell asleep -
The Betrayal
The Betrayal was when Jesus got arrested by The Roman Soldiers. While Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas came with Roman Soldiers and kissed Jesus to tell the Roman Soldiers that he was Jesus. Peter brings out a knife but Jesus stops him and Jesus gets arrested. -
The Crucifixion
After Jesus carries the cross, Jesus is then crucified next to 2 other men who were criminals -
The Ressurection
After 3 days of the death of Jesus, Jesus comes back to life. Disciples couldn't believe that he was alive again. But one disciple, Thomas, did not believe that Jesus was alive again since he wasn't there to witness it. Jesus then visits the disciples again and proves to Thomas that he is actually alive. -
The Ascension
40 days after the Resurrection of Jesus, Jesus ascends to heaven to sit at the right hand of God. -
The Betrayal
While Jesus was praying at the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas came with roman soldiers and kissed Jesus to tell the soldiers that he Jesus. The roman soldiers capture Jesus and takes him to trial.