Timeline of Inventions in the 1970s

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  • Email invented by Ray Tomlinson

    Email has forever altered the speed of communication. Simple messages no longer have to go through the postal system and can be send instantly.
  • Cell Phone invented by Martin Cooper

    We carry around tiny computers in our pockets that are far more powerful than were used to power the entire country not too long ago. But none of that would have been possible if not for the invention of the cell phone.
  • Digital Camera invented by Terry Walker, Harry Garland, and Roger Melen

    Now we may think of digital cameras and our smart phones as one and the same. But for a long time, cameras were separate bulky devices that we carried around to record important events. Think about how strange it seems now!
  • Apple Computer invented by Steve Wozniak

    The Apple brand is synonymous with technological innovation and consumer usability. This all began in 1976 when Wozniak created the first Apple Computer, which at the time was by far the user-friendliest machine invented to that point.
  • GPS invented by U.S. Navy

    Think about how crucial GPS has become to navigating our way in the real world. So much of that is made possible by GPS, a technology invented by the U.S. Navy and made public in 1978 for commercial use. Weird to think we were using paper maps before this.
  • Portable Music Player invented by Sony

    Yet another invention that is now contained within the confines of a modern smart phone, the portable music player was invented by multiple engineers at Sony in 1979. They called it Walkman TPS-L2, and it completely revolutionized how people were listening to music. Cassette players, mp3 players, and iPods were invented later to improve upon the Walkman's design, but the ingenuity in the original Portable Music Player made all of those things possible.