American history

Timeline of History

  • 1492

    Columbus lands in the Americas

    Columbus lands in the Americas
    Colubus sailed across the atlantic trying to find a better route to India but later hit the new lands called America. he took three ships across the atlantic with him but most famous of them was the mayflower.
  • James Town

    This was the first perminent british colony founded in the americas. It was created by the virginia company. Living in the Jamestown colony was difficult because it was plagued by disease, famine, and conflicts with local native tribes
  • Pilgrims Landing

    Pilgrims Landing
    This is where the british ship attempting to meet up with the colonists in jamestown were beeched way off target up in Plymoths rock they were forced to stay and start over.

    hundreds of people were accused of practicing witchcraft back then and around 19 were hung or burned at the stake.
  • declaration of independence

    This is where the American colonies formaly left Britin they also gave their reasons as to why they decided to leave
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    French/Indian war

    Also known as the 7 years war it was the first large British conflict in the new lands and was their first battle with the colony of new France . By the end of the war Britin controlled territories in Canada from france and Florida for Spain.
  • Lexington and Concord

    These were the two first battles that led to and started the American Revolutionary War. This is where British soldiers were sent to concord to seize a huge arms shipment but the alarm was sounded and they were warned and able to fight.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Also known as the Philadelphia convention the purpose was to reform the articles of confederation but they ended up writing a whole new document later be called the constitution.
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    Jefferson presidency

    Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the unted states he acomplished many great things but one of the most important was the luisiana purchase. he bought it from france who really needed the money. He also was the one who sent Lewis and Clark out on their journey to map and investigate the newly purchased land
  • Louisiana Purchase

    President Thomas Jefferson bought the land know as Louisiana from France who was in a ton of debt and needed the money.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    President Thomas Jefferson bought the land know as Louisiana from France who was in a ton of debt and needed the money.
  • THE WAR OF 1812

    This happend right after the americans declared their independece from britin and britin can back and destroyed ships and attack other places causeing a ton of damage to the capitol
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    The Missouri compromise was a legeslation that made it illegal to own slaves north of the 30.36 line (very close to middle of united states) excluding Missouri
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    Jackson Presidency

    Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States. He was the man behind the trail of Tears which was the forced relocation of native american tribes on US soil
  • Indian Removal Act

    The indian removal act also know as the trail of tears was the forced removal of american indians living on land needed by the government this act was signed by our 7th president Andrew Jackson

    The gold rush was important because it forced a large group of people to move out west therefore speeding up the process of moving west.
  • Dredd Scott v Sanford

    Dredd Scott v Sanford was an extemly big court case where a slave (Dredd Scott) claimed that since he spent most of his life living in a free state that he himself should be free. The court ruled that since he was a slave still he had no rights in the first place so he lost.
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    Lincoln Presidency

    Lincon was the 16th president of the united states he was know most for helping winning the civil war for the north and creating the Emancipation Proclamation which freed many slaves in the north but sadly his presidency was ended short when he was assasinated in 1865 in a theater
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    Attack on Fort Sumter

    Fort sumter was a military base controlled by the north located in south carolina and when the south seceded from the north the attacked the base and it was a two day batte with minimal casualties
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation was a document made by President lincon which basicly made all forms of slavery illegal in the north. (this was created during the civil war).
  • Surrender at Appomattox (end of Civil War)

    This marked the end to the american civil war. Here was where the confederate general Robert E Lee officially surrenderd to the north
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    On this date president Lincon was assinated in jhon wilks booth which was a very popular theater for the time. he was shot in the back of the head while he was watching the ply.
  • Thirteenth Amendment Ratified

    The emancipation proclimatin made slavery ilegal in the north but this was an amendment added to the constitution that made all forms of slavery illegal in the united states.
  • NWSA is formed

    The National Woman Suffrage Association is founded by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to achieve the vote through a Congressional amendment.
  • AWSA

    The American Woman Suffrage Association is formed by Lucy Stone in 1869 her and many others work exclusivly on getting womans suffrage. this is the first major step towards equality.

    in 1870 women all over the state of Wyoming come together as they are allowed to vote for the first time which is a very key point in the fight for womens sufferage

    susan b anthony and 25 other women are arrested for trying to vote this is a large step for suffrage because it shows how fed up woman are with these dumb laws at the time
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This acts purpose was to put a 10 year ban on the immagration of chinease people coming to the united states and it was signed by congress in 1882.

    The American Federation of Labor shows support for woman suffrage amendment. this is huge because it showes the beggining of the support that they are trying to get.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    The law attempts to prevent the artificial raising of prices by restriction of trade this helps to cut down on the rise of monopolies

    this is important because it showed of close minded america was at this time because it was a major restriction and check up on all people who wanted to legally enter the united states
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    This was a very important court case that had to do with racial segregation. it was decided that "seperat but equal" was ok as long as it was truly equal (which it never was)
  • Spanish American War

    the Spanish American War was the cuban revoltionary war from spain. we helped them fight it to acert the united states power because it we could defeat a military like spains then people would know that they cant mess with us
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    T. Roosevelt Presidency

    T. Roosevelt was the 26th president of the united states of america and he was also the youngest president in history he really pushed for a strong improvment on forgein policy.

    the womens trade union is founded to help show support for woman in the work place

    right before wilsons inaguration 800 women gather to voice their opinion on wommens rights which is a massive step towards their goal of equality
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    Wilson Presidency

    president Wilson was the 28th president of the united states and he was the one to blame for getting us into ww1 he claimed it was to make the world safe for democracy.
  • WWI Begins

    ww1 was started when the leader of hungry and his wife were shot dead by a group of radicals from there the war started to spiral out of control
  • WWI Ends

    germany and other Axis powers out of money man power and resources are forced to surrender ww1 which forever will leave a scar on the world just do to the amout of lives that were lost on each side
  • Panama Canal

    The panama canal is a massive man made canal that was located in panama it made many trade routes easier bcause no longer did you have to sail down and around the coast of south america now you could just go right through
  • Treaty of Versailles

    this is one of the most important peace treaties of all time because it was the one that brought ww1 to an end. It also is very important because it put almost all the blame on the germany.
  • Eighteenth Amendment

    The Eighteenth Amendment to the united states constitution prohibits the sale, transportation, and manufacture of alchohal. this amendment was never taken seriously because the ownership and consumption was perfectly legal so there were many ways around it.
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    the 19th amendment changed alot in American history becuase it gave women the right to vote.
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    Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance was a african american social and cultural explosion that happend in the city called Harlem. this cultural change happend to creat jazz and cut down on racial tensions by creatating a comman source of intrest( music)

    Alice Paul proposes the equal rights amendment which is introduced in Congress every year after. this whole time they were pushing for change and now their opinion is being heard on a federal level
  • Gitlow v New York

    this was a very important case regarding freedom of speech Gitlow was arrested for publishing and releasing the left wing manifesto. he claimed that he had freedom of speech but it was ruled he was trying to overthrow the government
  • Stock Market Crash

    in the 1920's the US stock market went through rapid expansion until one day it was pushed to far and it crashed investors and their clients lost literal billions.

    in 1942 during the start of ww2 women gaind the right to help and to serve in the United States military. this was an extremly large step in the right directions towards true womans sufferage

    The peace treaty ending the Spanish American war is signed in paris formally ending the war wich is important because it shows that america is strong enough to fight what was a large world power like spain