First Steam Engine Developed in England to Pump Water out of Coal Mines
First Natural Gas Well drilled in the US
Windmills become popular use of pumping water for Western Homesteaders and Railroaders
John D. Rockefeller forms standard oil and develops petroleum as a major energy source in the US
First Windmill created to generate electricity in Cleveland, Ohio
First Diesel Engine to run on vegetable oil at the World’s Fair in Paris
First Federal Law established to control pollution from the oil industry
World’s Largest hydroelectric power plant is built, Hoover Dam
First nuclear power reactor is built to generate electricity
First commercial scale geothermal plants are built in California
First Wind farm is built in New Hampshire
Prevention of drilling for oil in arctic wildlife range is passed in US House
$3.4 million is invested by the US to modernize energy grid
EPA Announces first clean air act standard for carbon pollution from new power plants