Schutzstaffel Organized
Known as SS and performed as bodyguards for Hitler -
Act of 1933
Hitler Claims Emergency Powers aka enabling act of 1933, gave him powers. -
Madagascar Plan presented
Proposal by German government to relocate Jews to Madagascar -
Period: to
Boycott on Businesses
After Hitler came into power, a Boycott of Jewish Businesses broke out -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany after many debates -
Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases
German government requires sterilization of people with mental and physical disabilities -
Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals
German government passes law that allows courts to order the imprisonment of “habitual criminals”. -
Nuremberg Laws
These laws passed had the racial theories from Nazi ideology. -
Nazi's Occupy Rhineland
Hitler ordered Germans to reoccupy Rhineland. -
Reichszentrale is created
Allowed the persecution of homosexuals. -
The Night of Broken Glass
Segregated all Jewish individuals and the Germans after a fight broke out between them both. -
In preparation for the invasion of Poland, Einsatzgruppen, starts. -
Lodz Ghetto Opens
Jewish people of Lodz suffered after the German invasion of Poland. -
St. Louis Ship (with Jews)
When almost a thousand Jews fled Germany on a cruise, the St. Louis Ship -
Period: to
Germany invades Poland
Germany invades Poland and marks the beginning of world war II -
Auschwitz Opens
The biggest death camp, Auschwitz opens -
The Commisair Order
Notified Hitler’s commanders that the upcoming invasion from the Soviet Union was going to be different from the previous. -
Babi Yar
Babi Yar ravine in Ukraine -
Wannsee Conference
A meeting with Nazi officials in Berlin -
Yellow Star for German Jews
Hitler ordered all Jews in Paris to wear a yellow star on the left side of their coats, that identified who they were. -
Liquidation of Ghettos
Chief of soviet (Himmler) Orders Liquidation (getting rid of everything) of ghettos -
Last Gassing at Aushwitz
The last group of Jews were killed in a gas chamber byt the Germans. -
Period: to
Creation of the Zigeunerlager, a gypsy family camp -
Destruction of Auschwitz
Chief of soviet (Himmler) Orders Destruction of Auschwitz -
Dr Josef Mengele
Evil scientist (Dr Josef Mengele) arrives at Auschwitz -
Liberation of Auschwitz
The Soviet Union entered Auschwitz and freed thousands of Jews. -
Hitler's Suicide
Hitler Commits Suicide by gunshot in Berlin -
International Military Tribunal
International Military Tribunal. Germany begins a trial of 21 major nazi german leaders. -
Adolf Eichmann
Adolf Eichmann captured 1960 and sent to Israel -
Dr. Josef Mengele dies
Evil scientist Dr Josef Mengele Dies at auschwitz