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Timeline of Federation in Australia

  • First Attempt at Federation

    First Attempt at Federation
    The premier of New South Wales, Sir Henry Parkes suggested that the time to form an natinal government but most people didn't agree.
  • Period: to

    Federation of Australia

    A timeline of the main events of federation in Australia.
  • Seccond Shot at Federating

    Seccond Shot at Federating
    A convention was held in Sydney to write a federal constitution but at the time Henry Parkes was loosing leadership of New South Wales and Withoust the largest colony the others could not continue with federating.
  • Federation Restart

    Federation Restart
    A confrence was held in Crowa attended by politictians from New South Wales and Victoria, business representatives from Melbourne and people from the Victorian Branches The Australian Natives Association.
    John Quick, a lawer from Bendigo, thought the whole process starts over but with the people choosing the representatives for a new confrence.
  • Colonial Premiers Meeting

    Colonial Premiers Meeting
    There was a meeting of colonial permiers in Hobart. Quick's idea was accepted by New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. However, Western Australia's parliment only agreed that they would be the ones that would elect their representatives for the convention and Queensland did not agree and was eventually not represented at the convention.
  • Constitution Representatives Election (Part 1)

    Constitution Representatives Election (Part 1)
    Elections were held to choose the representatives to attened a convention to draw up a constitution. The Convention was held in three sessions in three different places: Adelaid, Sydney and Melbourne. This constitution was then put to the people at refferendums. People in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania voted twice (read on in 2.0).
  • Constitution Representatives Election (Part 2)

    Constitution Representatives Election (Part 2)
    The first time the colonies voted 'YES' but the vote was high enough in New South Wales to satisfy the level set by the parliment as a result some changes were made changes to the propsal and the vote was taken again. This time the vote was high enough in New South Wales. It was then put to Queensland and Western Australia who also voted 'YES'
  • Constitution Acceptence

    Constitution Acceptence
    Then the draft of the constitution was taken to London to be passed by the British parliment. After some debate it was accepted.
  • Federation Complete

    Federation Complete
    The Commonwealth of Australia was announced on the 1st of January 1901 at a ceremony at Centenial Park in Sydney. Australia is now UNITED!