
Timeline of exposure to traditional and new media by SY

  • Music Player

    Music Player
    First exposure to media by listening to music when I was an infant.
  • Period: to

    Music Player

    I have been listening to classical music when I was an infant
  • Tv and radio

    Tv and radio
  • Period: to

    Television and Radio

    Exposed to these media to keep myself entertained
  • Books and Writing Materials

    Books and Writing Materials
  • Period: to

    Books and Writing Materials

    Starting to talk, read and write.
  • Movies and TV shows

    Movies and TV shows
  • Period: to

    Movies and TV shows

    Started having interest in these media because of the cartoon characters
  • PSP games

    PSP games
  • Period: to

    PSP games

    My dad bought a PSP for me and my siblings.
  • PC games

    PC games
  • Period: to

    Telephone and Mobile Phone

    Got to communicate with family and friends through these media.
  • Period: to

    Personal Computer Games

    Started taking interest in PC games because of the influence of my cousins.
  • Phone Games

    Phone  Games
  • Y8

  • Youtube

  • Facebook

  • Period: to

    Y8 and Youtube

    Discovered the internet
  • Period: to


    Got facebook because of the games in it
  • Period: to


    Received a DSi as a gift, played alot of Pokemon
  • DSi

  • Yahoo and Gmail

    Yahoo and Gmail
  • Smart Phone

    Smart Phone
  • Period: to

    Yahoo and Gmail

    Made emails to create accounts in more games
  • Period: to

    Smart Phone

    Borrowed my uncle's new smartphone.
  • iPad Mini

    iPad Mini
  • Period: to

    iPad Mini

    My grandmother gave it to me as a Birthday present, and ever since I've always been using it.
  • Period: to


    I tried it out, it did not work well for me
  • Instagram

  • Period: to


    Used Instagram because I loved documenting my life.
  • Video Games

    Video Games
  • Period: to

    Video Games

    My friend introduced my to my first MOBA game
  • Period: to


    I use skype for schoolwork and chit chat
  • Skype

  • Period: to


    Started using discord dude to playing LoL, L4d2, Fortnite and many more because of being influenced by the people around me.
  • Discord
