Timeline of Enviormentalism

  • Extinction of the Dodo Bird

    The dodo bird is the best example of human cause extinction. The Dodo bird was bird native to the Mauritius Islands of India. It was a large, flightless bird with no natural predators on the island, because of this they were unafraid of sailors that landed on the island. Because they were an easy target, the sailors overhunted them, and in less then 200 years, wiped to extinction.
  • Love Canal

    Love canal was a canal built between higher and lower Niagara rivers to power the homes and industries nearby in 1910, but Nikola Tesla's new discovery on how to transmit electricity across extremely far areas, so the canal project got scrapped and all that's left was a ditch, used as a chemical dump. They covered the dumpsite with soil, as the years went by, houses and other structures built upon it causing dangerous chemicals to leak through the surface and destroy people's in-ground basements
  • Minamata Disaster

    In Kyushu, Japan, people were suffered mercury poisoning when eating fish and shellfish. It was later discovered that the seafood was contaminated with MeHg or Minamata disease, that came from wastewater of a chemical plant that was dumping it into the surrounding waters. The company and government denied the problem but plant was eventually fined for the contamination.
  • Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    Rachal Carson exposed the dangers of pesticides DDT that was used on crops that animals ate, this occurred shortly after World War 2 and was a great way to keep creatures away from the crops. DDT would remain on the crop causing the product to have lingering poisoness properties for us to eat! Causing Rachel to explain to the world the dangerous effects
  • Stockholm Conference

    In Sweden, the UN brought to light environmental issues attended by 117 governments and talked about the “environmental framework” that explained wildlife and humans, the ozone, natural disasters and more
  • Endangered Species Act

    US Congress established the Endangered Species act in response to various wildlife, fish and plant species have gone extinct and even more that were depleted down to endangered levels due to human interaction with the environment. “The Endangered Species Act of 1973 provides framework to conserve and protect endangered and threatened species and their habitats both domestically and abroad”, this is the mission of this act and what it hoped to, and has accomplished since its establishment.
  • Bhopal Disaster

    The Bhopal disaster was a chemical accident in Bhopal, India at the United Carbide India Limited chemical plant. The accident exposed over 500,000 locals around the plant to MIC or Methyl Isocyanate, an extremely toxic gas. The UCC, the owers of the plant, had to pay about 1 billion dollars in todays money, and cleanup ended in in 1998.
  • Great Pacific Garbage Patch

    The Pacific Garbage Patch is a huge collection of Marine debris in the Pacific Ocean that migrates throughout the Pacific due to the Convergence zone, the meeting of cold and warm water acting like a highway for trash. No countries are currently doing anything about the patch because it is in International Waters, therefore no country is taking responsibility. And the scientist who discovered the patch Charles Moore, says that cleaning up the patch would bankrupt a country.