Trump Becoming President
- Trump has 145 million followers all together on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook and believes that without Twitter, he would not have been elected president. With social media, he is able to get his word out to the public in seconds and it makes a huge impact on his fans to see what he has to say quickly.
Hurricane Irma
Disruption in 2017. Twitter was used to give insight on what kind of damage was happening in Florida during the hurricane. Facebook also provided evacuations for people, how high the winds are, which way the storm is being tracked so that those can get away from it. -
Hurricane Irma
- Twitter was used to give updates of evacuations and where people are headed as well as how high the winds are. People were also posting videos from their cell phones that showed the damage that was being done in Florida.
Hurricane Maria
- Puerto Rico was hit with Hurricane Maria and Facebook was used to communicate with people from the U.S. to help find people who were unable to get signal and get help from Puerto Rico. A "GoFundMe" account was made and also shared on Facebook to raise money for the people in need.
North Korea
- North Korea leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump are preparing for war with Nuclear war heads against each other. Twitter accounts have news reports broadcasted on the subject and it becomes viral, being "retweeted" by hundreds of thousands of users and spread across the United States.
Las Vegas Shooting
- Facebook was used to share cell phone footage and evidence of the mass shooting and provide information about what happened. Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat were also used as a way to spread the news by the next morning.