prelim practising using match cuts and shot types
in my AS year the main piece of digital technology i usd was a the flip camra and main cameras provided by the college, through these pieces of technology i was able to exeriment with different shot types. my skill set in using this technology was quite limited and underdeveloped and so i could only use its functions at a basic level. -
when making our swede in AS we were able to get more familiar with the camera equiptment and were able to identify its different functions to better our work, whilst doing this project i was able to make more frequent use of the blog we used throughout both years. however this was not detailed and the information i put up conveyed a basic analysis of what we were doing as a group -
AS blog
this blog was afocal point for me as i used it to document all the steps i had taken whilst working towards any project this blog was never fully developed and displayed menial work however it was enough to describe my understanding of different pieces of technology and its functions and my limited growth in how they worked and what i could do with them to enhance my work. my skills were limited. -
the breakfast club remake
once again the camera was a main component when creating this media text, it was interesting to see that over the beginning of the year i was able to develop my skills enough when using this digital technology, to the point where i felt confident in using it without help or direction. the quality of my shots were still under developed though due to lack of experience. -
teen film opening
we uses final cut pro as a main component here as most of our time was spent familiarising ourselves with the technology, i was able to use it on a basic level but from previous usage of the software i could produce a believable piece. we also used software such as motions to create an ident for our opening this was good as it exposed us to further pieces of digital technology and widened my skills, by this point my camera knowlege was extensive, which is used to bring in better shot types. -
lip sync tutorial
for this lip sync tutorial i began intergrating the majority of my skills and along with it the digital technology i needed to create a good piece. this included: final cut pro, jvc camera equipment, hard drive, mac computer. this was a good way to see how extensive my undera=standing and ability had become in using different types of digital technology however seeing as this was one of the most major pojects so far in the A2 year it was clear to see that some of my skills had lapsed in holidays -
music video
my work loked really good by this point