Timeline of COVID in Ontario in 2020

  • Curbside pick up

    Curbside pick up
    Some Ontario stores start offering curbside pickup
  • 1st Ontario COVID Case

    1st Ontario COVID Case
    A Toronto man in his 50s who returned from the Chinese city of Wuhan becomes the first presumptive case of the novel coronavirus in Canada. He is placed in isolation at Sunnybrook Hospital. Days later his wife is declared the second case.
  • COVID Quarantine starts

    COVID Quarantine starts
    A plane carrying more than 200 Canadians from Wuhan arrives at CFB Trenton in eastern Ontario, where they start a 14-day quarantine.
  • More non-essential businesses close

    More non-essential businesses close
    The province extends the list of non-essential businesses that must now close, including non-critical industrial construction projects.
  • Schools Close

    Schools Close
    The province announces that all publicly funded schools in Ontario will be closed for two weeks following March Break in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • State of Emergency Declared

    State of Emergency Declared
    Ontario declares a states of emergency. Premier Doug Ford says "we are facing an unprecedented time in our history” as he announces that the province is ordering the closure of schools, recreational programs, theatres, bars and restaurants, child care centres. Gatherings of 50 or more people are also banned.
  • Travel to USA restricted

    Travel to USA restricted
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces that Canada and the U.S. have agreed to temporarily restrict all non-essential travel across the border.
  • Recreational Facilities Close

    Recreational Facilities Close
    Ontario orders the closure of all communal or shared, public or private, outdoor recreational amenities everywhere in the province. The province also extends the Declaration of Emergency and all associated emergency measures, including the closure of non-essential businesses.
  • Closures Expand

    Closures Expand
    The province announces that Ontario schools will remain closed until at least May. The city also cancels all major gatherings and events in Toronto through June, including the annual Pride Parade.
  • 2 meters of Separation

    2 meters of Separation
    Toronto residents who do not live together are ordered to stay two metres apart in public parks and squares under a new bylaw signed by the city’s mayor.
  • Stores re-opening

    Stores re-opening
    Many stores reopen in Ontario
  • Mask production

    Mask production
    Premier Doug Ford announces an agreement with 3M to produce up to 100 million medical-grade N95 masks a year at its plant in Brockville, Ont.
  • Things get tougher

    Things get tougher
    Ontario re-imposes tougher lockdown restriction amid a surge in cases. Bars and restaurants are told to close by 11 p.m.
  • COVID Vaccine

    COVID Vaccine
    Less than a year after the pandemic is declared, a personal support worker in Toronto becomes the first person in Ontario to get a COVID-19 vaccine shot. Health care workers are the first to become eligible and the jab kicks off the long process of getting doses into the arms of most Ontarians.
  • Christmas Lockdown

    Christmas Lockdown
    Ontario goes into province-wide lockdown again right after Christmas in order to curb another wave of the virus. All but essential businesses have to shut down.