Timeline of Chinese History

  • Period: to


  • End of the Qing Dynasty

    The emperor formally abdicates to make way for the nationalist party ending centuries of rule
  • 1911 Revolution

    A Nationalist Revolution which overthrew the emperor and left China with a centralized capitalist Government headed up by Sun Yat-Sen
  • 21 Demands

    A series of demands made by Japan to China involving mining facilities, use of ports and access to various provinces
  • Period: to

    Warlord Era

    A period during which China was completely controlled by Warlords and local leaders after the death of a president without an obvious heir
  • Creation of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party)

    The Chinese Communist Party is founded with help from Communist Parties in the Soviet Union.
  • Period: to

    Chinese Civil War

    Fought between the Nationalists and the Communists
  • The Long March

    A year long retreat for Communist forces due to defeat to the nationalist forces
  • Period: to

    Japans Occupation of China

    They took over China through Manchuria as they needed more resources for their growing industry
  • Period: to

    World War Two