Guomindang (Kuomintang) Party Founded
The founding of the political party of China -
The May Fourth Demonstration
An antiimperialist cultural and political movement -
Communist Party Founded
It rises to power as the leading political party in 1921 -
Japanese take Manchuria
The Japanese were bent on expaning their empire. -
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The Long March
The Military retreat taken undertaken by the red army -
The "rape" of Nanking
Japanese Imperial army invaded the city of Nanking and killed between 300,000-600,000 civilians and soldiers. -
U.S. atomic bomb brings Japanese surrender
Period: to
Guomindang- Communist Civil War
The communist party was banning together to rise up against the republic government. -
People's Republic of China Founded
Period: to
Great Leap Forward
This was the time period when they had to catch up to several countries to make themselves equal to them. -
Period: to
The Cultural Revolution Decade
This was a period when Mao was in power and decided to reeducate everyone so that they understood the life of pesants. -
Nixon Visits Beijing
Mao Zedong's Death
The Official Reform Policy announced by Deng Xiaoping
It made the country have a more capitalist economy than before. -
Student Protest in Tiananmen Square and massacre
Biejing Olympics
Regime headed by General Secetary Xi Jinping