Spanish navel (sea) captain names Vanuatu 'La Australia del Espiritu Santo'
Picture of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, the naval captain
Translation: Southland of the Holy Spirit -
First Fleet arrives at Sydney Cove
This was a large group of people from the United Kingdom that had committed crimes, although there was no space for them to be at the jails in their original country, so they were transported to Australia instead. The conditions were rough in the boats and many were discriminated due to race. Some were even sold off to be slaves for people in Australia at that time. -
First public mass held under Government supervision and is celebrated by a prisoner priest Fr. Dixon
Picture of Fr James Dixon -
Australia's first official priests, fr John Therry and Fr Phillip Collony arrive in Sydney
Fr Therry goes on to open the first Catholic school in Parramatta, while later on in 1920 Fr Collony leaves Fr Therry as the only priest there. Picture of Fr Therry -
John Bede Poldin became Australia's first ever bishop
Eight years later he became the first archbishop of Sydney. He died on March 16th 1877. -
Fr James Quinn was appointed the first bishop of Brisbane
He arrived at Brisbane from Ireland with his clergy and nuns on March 12th 1861. -
Mary Mackillop and Fr Julian Tennison Wood create the Sisters of St. Joseph
One year later she goes on to become the First Sister and Mother Superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph. -
The very first St Vincent De Paul Society was established in Sydney
Archbishop Vaughan dies on a trip to England
Roger William Bede Vaughan was known as a scholar and education advocate (speak, write or stand up for education) know for the upsurge of teaching orders and schools. -
Death of Mother Mary Mackillop
Mary Mackillop was known for always being a kind and compassionate person to those in need, and was even known to perform a miracle by her Josephite sisters praying for a woman in need of help due to her disease of lung cancer. This woman later gave birth to 6 children and lived to over 72 years of age. -
James Scullin becomes Australia's first Catholic prime minister
Archbishop Michael Kelly dies
Archbishop Gilroy is appointed bishop of Sydney. -
The archdiocese of Sydney now has 366 Catholic schools with 115,704 pupils
Cardinal Gilroy dies and is succeeded by Archbishop James Darcy Freeman. Picture of Gilroy -
Pope John Paul II visits Australia
Picture of Pope John Paul II -
Death of Pope John Paul II
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is elected Pope Benedict XVI. Picture of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger