Timeline of Canadian History

  • 1491

    Canada Prior to Confederation

    Canada Prior to Confederation
    -Indigenous North America to 1491
    -Indigenous Peoples, Contact, and European Exploration
    -Immigrants and Settlers in British North America
    -The Rebellions of 1837, Responsible Government, and Union of the Canadas
    -French occupancy Canada in 1534
    -Canada under British rule starting in 1763
    -Federation to Confederation
  • Immigration waves

    Immigration waves
    There where 6 major waves of immigration. The first wave was the Aboriginals in 20 000-10 000 BCE and they settled all over Canada and crossed a land bridge from Siberia reaching to Alaska. The second wave was French in 1600. They came over from France hoping to find riches such as gold and other precious stones. They met Aboriginals and with the help of them they settled in their own colony called New France.
  • Acadians

    Acadian's were French settlers that colonized the land alongside the Indigenous people. They came to Canada because of a new war threat in America.
  • Hudson Bay Company

    Hudson Bay Company
    Hudson Bay Company started out as a fur trading company for most of its time, helping colonization of British North America. Hudson Bay now owns many department stores sells clothes etc.
  • War 1812

    War 1812
    The war of 1812 lasted 2 years. The war was a military conflict between the United States and Great Britain. As a colony of Great Britain, Canada was swept up in the War of 1812. The war was fought in Upper Canada, Lower Canada, and on the Great Lakes and the Atlantic.
  • Immigration waves 2

    Immigration waves 2
    The great migration was the third wave. The majority of people came from Britain and other European countries. When they came they settled all over Canada especially in the Atlantic and Quebec. The fourth wave was Post-Confederation Immigration. The people that came over were from China and Asia. The group came because of factors like the good agriculture and they brought crops over that could with stand Canadas short growing seasons.
  • Confederation

    July 1,1867 New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the province of Canada joined together. Between 1867 and 1999 six more provinces and three territories joined Canada. Newfoundland and Labrador was the last province to join Canada in 1949. Nunavut was the last territory to join Canada in 1999.
  • Formation of CPR

    Formation of CPR
    The Canadian Pacific Railway was build to physically unite Canada coast to coast. The railway had a huge impact on tourism and immigration.
  • Quebec's Quite Revolution

    Quebec's Quite Revolution
    The quite revolution started after the new Liberal government came into power led by Jean Lesage. The FLQ group of Quebec then got mad that the government wasn't acknowledging Quebec as a unique province. They also figured they weren't getting enough help from the government as they wanted. So, the FLQ started to fight back in there own way and kidnapped people along with sent bombs to peoples houses. These events in the Quebec quite revolution led up the the October Crisis.
  • EXPO 67

    EXPO 67
    World expo was hosted in Montreal after Russia couldn't host due to various reasons. Expo's are held to showcase achievements of nations. The theme of this expo was "Man and his world"
  • The October Crisis

    The October Crisis
    Events that took place in the fall of 1970. The crisis was caused by multiple terrorist attacks by the Front de liberation du Quebec. In October 1970, the FLQ kidnapped British trade commissioner James Cross in Montreal. Then a couple weeks later the FLQ members also kidnapped and killed Quebec Minister of Immigration along with the Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte.
  • Residential Schools

    Residential Schools
    In Canada, the Indian residential school system was a network of boarding schools for Indigenous peoples. Kids were torn from there family and taught different religions and were beat or killed if they disobeyed. This was a major thing for Canada as we still find bodies today and are learning from this event This was from 1894 to 1947.
  • EXPO 86

    EXPO 86
    Canada held their 2nd expo in 1986 in Vancouver British Columbia. This expo was on Transportation and Communication. The theme was "world in motion, world in touch"