The History of Cambodia

  • independence

    Cambodia won its independence from France
  • Steps down

    King Sihanouk steps down and becomes the prime minister, as his father becomes king
  • A Fight

    Cambodia starts fighting with Vietnam and that fight turns in to a war
  • Sihanouk father dies

    The king dies
  • breaks off

    Sihanouk breaks off relations with the US
  • Secret bombing

    The USA begins forcing North Vietnamese on to Cambodian soil.
  • New forces

    Pol Pot led a Communist forces into the capital city of Phnom Penh, beginning a four-year regime and successfully gained control of Cambodia.
  • The war ends

    The war between Cambodia and Vietnam ends
  • Peace

    A peace agreement was signed with pairs
  • The mission

    The US started a peacekeeping mission in Cambodia
  • Accused

    Prince Ranariddh is tried but pardoned by the king
  • A.S.E.A.N

    The Us found out that Cambodia was the 10th member of A.S.E.A.N
  • The Flood

    Floodwater stretched along the lower part of Mekong wreaked havoc, leaving thousands homeless
  • Christians Vs Cambodia

    Christian organization, was found in a battle with Cambodia about child-sex trade.