Timeline of Ancient Humans

By AveryB
  • 200,000 BCE

    First humans spotted in Africa

    First humans spotted in Africa
    The first Homo Sapiens were first spotted after evolving from their ancestors, the hominids. They were capable of more advanced thinking, and the option of exploration holds a great opportunity for the human race. More territory claimed means more civilizations which in turn means more humans on earth. This means that they now have more intelligence, and do more things. This took place in Africa
  • 70,000 BCE

    Humans migrate outside of Africa

    Humans migrate outside of Africa
    Humans began to move outside of Africa and explore. They move up into Asia, then left and right at the same time. The group that went left went into Europe and the neanderthals disappeared at the same time. The group that goes right goes into Asia more, and they make way down to australia and up to North America. They then move down into South America. Significant because this means that humans will conquer more land and explore the world. Took place in northern Africa at first, then the world.
  • 12,000 BCE

    Mesopotamia is established

    Mesopotamia is established
    Mesopotamia became one of the first human civilizations on the planet. Humans are organizing themselves into groups. City-states have become commonplace at this time. This means that humans are now starting to live together in large quantities, and organize a society. It took place in Iraq.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Neolithic age begins

    Neolithic age begins
    Massive developments by humanity will begin. Tools are made by people. Humans also start to make big advancements. Humans will begin to make developments and improve society. This took place all over the world.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Agricultural revolution

    Agricultural revolution
    Humans shift from being hunter-gatherers to farmers and herders, which allows them to develop new technologies. They start to grow crops for their source of food. They also raise livestock for a source of food. More developments in society means improved quality of life and new ideologies will be founded. Took place around the globe
  • 3300 BCE

    The Indus River Valley Civilization is established

    The Indus River Valley Civilization is established
    The civilization in the Indus River Valley is made. People settle in this valley and make sewer systems, and air conditioned houses. They had great soil for agriculture and made tons of advancements. This is important because it marks a period of great innovation, and great archeological sites to study. This took place in the Indus River Valley.
  • 3250 BCE

    The invention of writing

    The invention of writing
    Writing through the use of hieroglyphs starts to develop. The Ancient Egyptians were some of the first people to start writing this way. They use these hieroglyphs to record important information. This is important because writing records so much important information about their society, and hopefully we can decipher these. This took place in Egypt.
  • 3100 BCE

    Ancient Egypt is established

    Ancient Egypt is established
    The creation of Egyptian society is founded in northeastern Africa. A vast kingdom is finally united at this time. It had a huge economic and cultural influence in northern Africa.
  • 2900 BCE

    The earliest known city is made

    The earliest known city is made
    The earliest known city, Mari, is founded in Mesopotamia. Mari was founded near the eastern bank of the Euphrates river. The city survived for approximately 1200 years before being destroyed and eventually rebuilt again.
  • 2600 BCE

    The Great Pyramid

    The Great Pyramid
    Three large pyramids are built at Giza. The pyramid built for the king Khafre is guarded by a huge stone sphinx with the body of a lion and the king's head. The pyramids serve as a tomb for Pharaohs where it is believed that they will go to the afterlife. This is important because it is the construction of a monument of the world, and it is a big symbol of the afterlife in their society. This takes place in Giza.
  • 2055 BCE

    Upper and Lower Egypt are reunited

    Upper and Lower Egypt are reunited
    In 2200 BCE collapsed and Upper and Lower Egypt were under separate rulers. A man named Mentuhotep II became the ruler of Upper Egypt around 2055 BCE. Later on he will become the ruler of all of Egypt. This is important because Egypt is no longer split apart and they are united and working together once again. This event takes place all throughout Egypt.
  • 1758 BCE

    The Hammurabi code is written

    The Hammurabi code is written
    The first set of laws in the world is finally written. In Mesopotamia Hammurabi took it upon himself to write a code for the people of Mesopotamia. These laws were somewhat extreme, but it marks development in society. This is important because it marks a point of organization in society. This happens in Mesopotamia.
  • 1750 BCE

    The Shang Dynasty begins

    The Shang Dynasty begins
    This marks a period in china that went under many rulers. They were a farming society ruled by aristocrats. They had bronze tools and weapons as well. This is important because it marks an era in human history where a society operates in such a way. This happened in China.
  • 1300 BCE

    The Indus River Valley civilization ends

    The Indus River Valley civilization ends
    The Indus River Valley civilization vanishes from the planet. Several theories are made about what could have happened to them. These include an earthquake, being wiped out by other civilizations, or they overused the land. THis is important because it marks the end of a civilization that had many interesting things to study. This took place in the Indus River Valley.
  • 1045 BCE

    The Zhou Dynasty begins

    The Zhou Dynasty begins
    This was a more powerful dynasty that came into power after the Shang Dynasty. During this period they put the mandate of heaven in place. They put a system in place where if a king rules poorly, they can be overthrown and a new dynasty can rule. This is significant because it shows a system of rotating power in society, and a new giant ruler that makes progress for China. This event took place in China.
  • 800 BCE

    New innovations introduced to China

    New innovations introduced to China
    A new age of innovations takes place in China during the Zhou Dynasty. Iron, ox-drawn plows, and horseback riding were introduced to China. Irrigation and large-scale water projects were also introduced to China as well. This is important because it marks a period of great advancement that betters the civilization of China. This takes place in China.
  • 475 BCE

    Civil war breaks out in China

    Civil war breaks out in China
    During this time China consisted of many small states that had their squabbles. During this period it was known as the Warring States (Zhanguo) period. All of the states struggled to gain power when finally Qin came out on top. After prevailing over the other states the Qin dynasty begins. This is important because it is a period where civil war that impacts the whole country is happening, and a new dynasty comes from this war. This happens in China.
  • 329 BCE

    Alexander the Great's legacy

    Alexander the Great's legacy
    King Alexander of Macedon conquered all of Egypt. After he does this he places his general in power as the king of Egypt. He is known as King Ptolemy I. His bloodline continues to rule for 300 years. Greek becomes the main government language and official documents are now written in both Greek and Egyptian. This is significant because Egypt is conquered and put under a new rule. There is also a new use of language in the land. This takes place in Egypt.
  • 300 BCE

    The Great Wall of China starts construction

    The Great Wall of China starts construction
    The Great Wall of China was a big project led by many dynasties to protect China. They built the wall on the northern border to keep out intruders. The northern border was a big source of trouble and the wall aimed to fix this problem. This is significant because China made a huge movement to construct a wall that will protect them. This took place in northern China.
  • 221 BCE

    The Qin Dynasty comes to power

    The Qin Dynasty comes to power
    This dynasty came to power and fell very quickly, but during their rule they accomplished great things. Under this dynasty China was unified after being apart for many years. They created a system of roads and built the Grand Canal. This is important because China was finally unified, and they built the Grand Canal that helped unify China. This took place in China.