timeline of ancient egypt

  • Period: 2900 BCE to 2730 BCE

    Narmer the first pharaoh of the first dynasty

  • 2730 BCE


    he was the first pharaoh to unify Egypt starting the first dynasty. before he became the pharaoh there were 2 city-states in Egypt. he united them and ruled them peacefully together.
  • 2730 BCE

    The Narmer Palette

    The Narmer Palette
    the tablet depicts Narmer uniting Lower and Upper Egypt as well as concurring his enemies
  • Period: 2730 BCE to 2590 BCE

    Hotepsekhemwy the first pharaoh of the second dynasty

  • Period: 2592 BCE to 2544 BCE

    Nebka the first Pharaoh of the third dynasty

  • 2544 BCE


    There also is little known about nabka. there is a lot of confusion about when he ruled. is speculated that he might have ruled as the second to last pharaoh of the second dynasty. that he had been misplaced in the list on the Turin Canon.
  • 2544 BCE


    we also know that he was a law-focused ruler. this comes from a story where he punished a husband by having him get eaten by a crocodile for committing adultery. as he was very against adultery.
  • Period: 2543 BCE to 2436 BCE

    Sneferu the first pharaoh of the fourth dynasty

  • 2436 BCE


    during Sneferus rein there were a lot of innovations in the country. there were many discoveries in art and the making of tombs. as well as developments to organize the country of Egypt.
  • Period: 2435 BCE to 2306 BCE

    Userkaf the first pharaoh in the fifth dynasty

  • 2306 BCE


    he also was the reason for the spike in the worship of Ra. as he had built a temple for Ra and he was a high priest of Ra. With this Ra became the state god during the fifth dynasty.
  • Period: 2305 BCE to 2118 BCE

    Teti the first pharaoh of the sixth dynasty

  • Period: 2150 BCE to 2118 BCE

    Netjerikara the first pharaoh of the eighth dynasty

  • 2118 BCE

    seventh dynasty

    there is no information on the seventh dynasty. most historians think it never happened.
  • 2118 BCE


    historians think that he had a short reign of about 12 years. during which he switched back to a more government-controlled Egypt. Historians also think that he might have been murdered by one of his staff.
  • 2118 BCE


    Netjerikara was the last pharaoh in the old kingdom. Netjerikara also had a short reign of 3 years. He also was a part of the copper era.
  • Period: 2118 BCE to 1980 BCE

    Meribra the first pharaoh of the 9th dynasty

  • 1980 BCE


    historians are undecided about when Meribra's reign started. he is known for only a few artifacts. as not much is known about him.
  • Userkaf

    Userkaf is thought to have come to power through his status as a high priest of Ra. he had a very short reign as he was only in power for eight years. he also has very few artifacts with the short 8 year reign.
  • Sneferu

    Sneferu improved a lot of things when he ruled Egypt. he created the ideas for the pyramids as a way to make the economy stronger. as well as making military expeditions into Libya and Nubia.
  • Hotepsekhemwy

    he was the first pharaoh of the second dynasty. not much is known about his reign. although historians think he came to power after some political issues during the first dynasty.