794 BCE
the first capital is established at Nara
Originally known as Yamato, Nara was Japan's first capital and the seat of the Emperor. Rich in ideas and technology from Europe, China and Korea via the Silk Road, Nara is a living museum with 1,300 years of art and architecture to offer -
start of the Heian period
The Heian period was preceded by the Nara period and began in 794 CE after the movement of the capital of Japan to Heian-kyo -
Minamoto no Yoritomo becomes the first shogun of japan
He ruled from 1192 until 1199. His Buddhist name was Bukōshōgendaizenmon -
beginning of the Warring states period
The Warring States Period in China (475-221 BC) ... The Warring States Period (475–221 BC) was an era of division in ancient China. -
first contact between Japanese and Europeans and beginning of trade
The first three Europeans to arrive in Japan in 1543 were Portuguese traders António Mota, Francisco Zeimoto and António Peixoto. -
the Azuchi-Momoyama period begins
The Azuchi–Momoyama period began with Oda Nobunaga entering into Kyoto in 1568 to install Ashikaga Yoshiaki as the 15th and ultimately final shōgun of the Ashikaga Shogunate. -
the beginning of the Tokugawa
The Edo period or Tokugawa period is the period between 1603 and 1868 in the history of Japan. -
the sakoku (“locked country”) period begins
no Japanese people are permitted to leave Japan and no foreigners are allowed to enter; the policy remains in effect until around 1853. -
the arrival of the United States navy fleet commanded by Matthew Perry
1853, Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy, commanding a squadron of two steamers and two sailing vessels, sailed into Tôkyô harbor aboard the frigate Susquehanna. ... It was clear that Commodore Perry could impose his demands by force. -
the Meiji Restoration
The Meiji Restoration was a coup d'état that resulted in the dissolution of Japan's feudal system of government and the restoration of the imperial system.