
Timeline of aaron burr

  • birth

    Aaron burr was born on february 6th, 1756 in newark, new jersey.
  • School

    After his parents died, Aaron burr enrolled in the college of new jersey. He also graduated with a summa cum laude.
  • revolutionary war

    revolutionary war
    In 1776, During the revolutionary war Aaron burr fought and was given the rank of major. He also got to meet george washington.
  • Wife

    In 1783 Aaron burr married A widowed woman named Theodosa. They only had one child, A girl that named after her mother. Theodasa Sr later died in 1794.
  • Vice president

    Vice president
    In 1800, Aaron burr ran for president but was not elected. He was however, elected vice president.
  • rivalry

    In 1804 Aaron challenged his rival in government, Alex hamilton. During the duel He shot and kiilled hamilton.Burr eventually flead the state to the washinton D.C.
  • Trial

    In 1807, Aaron burr was put on trial for treason for healping the mexicans try and take american land. The charges were later dropped due to not enough evidence.
  • daughter

    In !812 Aaron expirienced another tragic death but this time his daughter, she died in a tragic ship wreck. Aaron also contributed to the spanish american war by going to europe and asking soldiers to help fight.
  • Remarrige

    In 1833 to another widdow named Eliza junel. she eventually devoced him.
  • Death

    on september 14th, 1836 Aaron burr died of a stroke at the age of 80 on staten island.