Ordering something online

  • Looking online for item

    I spend some time researching items that I'm interested in, putting in different search queries into search engines, looking up different items.
  • Checking my email

    I check my email, getting an email from a few of the websites I had looked at while logged in. I tried to "bait" eBay to send me a special discount; sure enough, one of the items I was interested in, and was patient over, is sitting with a special offer in my inbox.
  • I purchase the item

    I purchase the item with the exclusive discount offered to me. I was going to buy it regardless, but waiting a few days after viewing the items I was interested in gave me a rather decent percentage off.
  • Item is delivered

    The item arrived at my house safe and sound. Now all I need to do is pay off my credit card at the end of the month.