Timeline of 1966 Effects Activity

  • Setting the stage for the Cultural Revolution

    Mao Zedong and his wife, Jiang Qing, set the stage for the Cultural Revolution by directing a literary critique, to publish a harsh critique on a play written by Beijing's mayor. This was because they believed the play was taking shots at Mao. Jiang Qing writes a general criticism about literature and art which condemns the bourgeois and anti-parties. Mao also starts replacing the government with people he trusts.
  • Unofficial beginning of the Cultural Revolution

    The unofficial beginning of the Cultural Revolution begins when the "May 16 Circular" was published by Politburo. It states the CCP's intention to oust the representatives of the bourgeoisie. Mao also tells students, who become the Red Guards, to lead a massive hunt on revisionists. Mao does this by having young teachers criticize the school authorities. This started spreading rapidly and became a movement.
  • First dazibao

    A young teacher in Beijing University writes the first Marxist dazibao against university professors labeling them "black, anti-Party gangsters."
  • Red Guards from Beijing University

    Most of the Red Guards were students. Most of these students joined because it gave them power, freedom, and also to practice their loyalty to their leader they have taught to obey since childhood. Short Term - The influence of Mao grew rapidly as well as the influence of the Red Guards. Long Term - Since most of these were students they were still premature and drove by their personal desires which resulted in chaos in the later years.
  • Mao writes a dazibao

    Mao writes a dazibao called "Bombard the Headquarters" which was a poster targetted at Liu Shaoqi, who was the vice-chairman of the CCP. This encouraged students and others to purge the leaders of the CCP.
  • Sixteen Points Directive

    The Eight Central Committee of the CCP passes the "Sixteen Points". This was an official statement that the Chinese government was supporting Mao, and encouraged them to carry out a revolution that will touch people in their very souls. This marks the official beginning of the Cultural Revolution.
  • First Red Guard rally in Beijing

    Mao greets the Red Guards at Tiananmen square to give them the blessing to rebel, which was to smash the "Four Olds". These were known as rallies and more of them were held in Beijing. The Red Guards would raise their "Little Red Books" and say "Long live Chairman Mao" which he will then applaud them. Soon the Red Guards started wearing khaki uniforms and PLA provided transportation of the Red Guards to these rallies.
  • Chaos escalates

    The Red Guards are starting to adapt to purging the "Four Olds". However, this resulted in the Red Guards holding their personal values before the revolution. Many of them were ransacking homes just because they were their enemies. Even with chaos spreading throughout the revolution, Mao still told them that they were doing a good job.
  • Campaign to promote Mao's Cult of Personality

    Lin Biao and Jiang Qing start to promote Mao's Cult of personality by portraying him as a god-like figure. Pictures of him were put everywhere even in people's homes. Mao's "Little Red Book" sold around 350, 000 copies. Because of this, no one dared to question Mao's decisions, however, he had little control over the Red Guards which he feared would be the end of the CCP.
  • Red Guards Dismantled

    The movement has become the most devastating revolution in Chinese history. The country suffered many losses including human life, economic growth as well as cultural heritage. To fix this Mao commands the PLA to dismantle the Red Guards and to restore order in the city.
  • "Down to the Countryside" Movement

    Mao initiates the "Down to the Countryside" movement, which was to send the urban youth, including the Red Guards, who were sent to the countryside to do manual labor. Does who weren't sent to the countryside were sent to the military. Many of these people died due to exhaustion, those who survived were negatively impacted forever. Short Term - Many of the young people died. Long Term - Even after this movement was dismantled, the generation was lost and had no opportunities left for them.
  • Ninth Congress of the CCP

    The Ninth Congress of the CCP was made up of leaders who have survived the struggle and maintained their positions. They applauded the purging of the counterrevolutionists. Mao had declared the end of the Cultural Revolution but there was more to end it than that. The new phase emphasized rebuilding the CCP and recover economically.
  • The Lin Biao Affair

    Tensions start to grow between the party especially between Mao and Lin Biao. Because of this, Lin Biao tries to order an assassination on Mao. However, this failed which hurt his reputation extremely badly. He then tried to flee with his family to the Soviet Union but the planes crashed and killed everyone on board. The people started to question the legitimacy of the Cultural Revolution.
  • "Criticize Lin Biao, Critisize Confucius" Campaign

    After Lin Biao's death, the CCP started to change and the positions of leaders started to shift. Jiang Qing initiated this campaign to blame all the flaws on Lin.
  • The Ending of the Cultural Revolution

    After Zhou Enlai dies, Deng Xiaoping becomes the vice premier and was criticized by Jiang Qing. Mao demotes him. Mao was then hospitalized due to sickness and dies a year later. Jian Wing and her supporters were then arrested which resulted at the end of the Cultural Revolution.
  • Tienanmen Incident

    Zhou Enlai became ill and died. He was respected and loved by the Chinese people and they wanted to pay respects to Tienanmen square. The people started to criticize Jian Qing and a riot starts and was deemed a counter-revolutionary movement. Short Term- People started to go against the Cultural Revolution Long Term - This has scared the reputation of the CCP as a whole even to this day.