Timeline motivation

  • My brother Jerod was born

  • My brother Jayden was born

  • Accepted Jesus to come into my heart

    Accepted Jesus to come into my heart
    I accept Jesus at a strong man contest in Iowa. They ripped phone books and smashed bricks and shared the gospel at the end of their show.
  • My sister Liberty was born

  • I was baptized

    I was baptized
    My dad baptized me. This is was me publicly showing that I was living for Jesus and I was a new person.
  • My brother Jude was born

  • Moved from Iowa to Oklahoma

    Moved from Iowa to Oklahoma
    This was hard because my whole family was leaving all of our friends and a lot of our family. My dad was moving to go into ministry with his brother
  • My sister Laylah was born

  • I broke my foot

    I broke my foot
    My basketball career was ramping up. I was starting to get noticed and begin to travel a little. It all was halted when I broke my foot. My dad tore his pectoral the same year. That year of rehab at physical therapy made we want to pursue PT in college one day.
  • I graduated high school

    I graduated high school
    I was homeschooled so I graduated with a homeschool co-op.
  • Started college

    Started college
    I started college at SNU and began to pursue my collegiate basketball career and physical therapy degree
  • First job at Mercy

    I took a year off school and decided to work as a PT tech to see if physical therapy was what I wanted to do
  • Graduated with my associates degree

    Graduated with my associates degree
    I transferred to OCCC and completed my associates degree.
  • Became student director at my church

    Began to accept my calling to ministry
  • Changed my major

    Changed my major
    I transferred to UCO and changed my major to Organizational Leadership
  • Raised $1,000 for kids cancer

    Raised $1,000 for kids cancer
    I picked up cycling and began to ride for a cause. I raised $1,000 with the great cycle challenge to support research to end kids cancer
  • Got engaged

    Got engaged
    I met the love of my life