Timeline Mini Project: Abigail Jimenez & Sandy Calixto

  • Nazi Olympics

    Nazi Olympics
    The Summer Olympic Games were held in Germany and presented a golden opportunity for Adolf Hitler.
  • Tensions in East Asia

    Tensions in East Asia
    Japan began a war against China. The attack was marked by great brutality against China.
  • The Anschluss

    The Anschluss
    Hitler tried to force the Austrian government to union with Germany.
  • Hitler Moves

    Hitler Moves
    Hitler sent his troops into what remained of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler attacks Poland

    Hitler attacks Poland
    Germany claimed it had been attacked by Poland and they immediately launched a massive invasion of Poland.
  • German Forces Turn to the West

    German Forces Turn to the West
    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • Hitler tries to capture the Atlantic

    Hitler tries to capture the Atlantic
    Germany invades Denmark and Norway in order to improve their access to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Netherlands and Belgium fall

    The Netherlands and Belgium fall
    Germans finally make their expected strike toward France and quickly storm into Belgium.
  • Alliances with Germany

    Alliances with Germany
    Japan forms a military alliance with Germany and Italy. They became known as the Axis Powers.
  • Tojo Takes Control

    Tojo Takes Control
    General Hideki Tojo's strong pressure forced Japan's government to resign which led to his control of the country.
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
    American leaders were convinced that the war between the U.S. and Japan was likely.
  • War in the Soviet Union

    War in the Soviet Union
    Hitler sends his forces into the Soviet Union and later faced a bitterly cold Russian winter to capture Leningrad.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    Dwight D. Eisenhower led his forces to invade the North African countries of Morocco and Algeria.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    General Douglas MacArthur was forced to leave his troops and the Japanese forced the Americans to march through a harsh journey.
  • Women's Army Corps

    Women's Army Corps
    The Women's Army Corps was created and women could go serve overseas in the Army, but could not go into combat.
  • Smith Connally Act

    Smith Connally Act
    The Smith Connally Act was passed by Congress, which gave the president power to take over industries in the event of strikes.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    This was a surprise attack from the Germans to try and separate the British and the American's alliance.
  • D-Day

    The allies freed Western Europe and France from Germany's control.
  • Japan's surrender

    Japan's surrender
    Hirohito announced the end of the war through radio, known as V-J Day, after the U.S. bombed Hiroshima.
  • Liberating the Nazi Camps

    Liberating the Nazi Camps
    American soldiers came upon many concentration camps and tried to help many of the victims that were skin and bones.