Timeline Mini-Project

  • Pascal's Calculator

    Pascal's Calculator
    The Pascaline was the idea of using machines to solve mathematical problems. Pascal would invent his numerical wheel calculator to help his father count taxes. The pascaline had 8 movable dials that added up to 8 figured long sums and used base ten. I believe that this is significant because if this was not invented then mathematics and accounting would not be what it is today.
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  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse was one of the main designers for the telegraph in 1837. He would construct a transmitter and a receiver using a painter's canvas stretcher. With the help of his colleague Leonard Gale, Morse would be able to send signals through ten miles of wire. Gale would then help Morse improve the design as well as Alfred Vail helping with the creation of Morse Code, use of a key and a dot-dash code. I believe that this is important because we would not have phones if this was not invented.
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  • Cash Register

    Cash Register
    In 1878, James Ritty saw that there was a machine that was counting the number of times that the ship's propeller completed a revolution. Using this same technology, Ritty thought that he could use that to keep track of his sales. With the help of his brother, a mechanic, they invented the first cash register. I believe that this is significant because if this was not invented how would stores, restaurants, and other places keep track of sales.
  • Cash Register Source

  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi would successfully transmit radio signals in the hills outside Bologna, Italy in 1895. He took his invention to England, where he founded the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company. This was a superior way to transmit telegraph messages. David Sarnoff, in 1912, would relay news about the sinking of the Titanic, as well as suggesting that radio be used as an entertainment device. Nowadays we know what radio is and because of Marconi and Sarnoff we would not have radio the way it is.
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  • Cell Phones

    Cell Phones
    Martin Cooper would be the first person to be able to make a call on a cellphone on April 3, 1973. Motorola was the company that created the Motorola DynaTAC and then cellphones took off after that where we are today with Modern Smartphones. I believe this is significant because where would people be without a cellphone, no matter if it is a smartphone, flip phone, whatever it is, everyone has one and uses it on a daily.
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