Timeline Mini Project

  • Nazi Olympics

    Nazi Olympics
    The 1936 Summer Olympics
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Germany and Britain had agreed to extend their territory into parts of Czechoslovakia
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    The development and the explore of research on Nuclear weapons
  • Cash-and-Carry

    U.S. Congress passes this policy to help sell weapons to other countries during the war
  • Poland was invaded

    Poland was invaded
    Hitler made an excuse to attack & invade Poland because supposedly Poland attacked them first
  • France & GB declare war on Germany

    France & GB declare war on Germany
    After Hitler invaded Poland, France and GB declared war on Germany
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    U.S. Congress passes the Selective Service Act and calls it the first peacetime draft in U.S. History
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    United States delivers arms to GB
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    Hitler broke the non-aggression pact with Stalin and sent forces into the Soviet Union
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, a naval base in Honolulu (Hawaii) which led to the U.S. entry in WWII
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Battle of the Coral Sea
    U.S. stopped the Japanese attack by sending two Aircraft carriers
  • Guadalcanal

    Battle between the U.S. and Japan was to win control over territory in the Solomon Islands, & U.S. won
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    U.S. destroys four Japanese aircraft carriers
  • D-Day

    Allied Forces invade Normandy, France. Known as the largest seaborne invasion
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Germany's biggest surprise attack on Allied battle lines. 19,000 Americans were killed
  • Battle of IwoJima

    Battle of IwoJima
    Americans captured Mount Suribachi
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Americans gained control on the island of Okinawa
  • Hitler's Death

    Hitler's Death
    Hitler committed suicide in a Berlin Bunker
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Germany agrees to surrender after Hitlers Death
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki