William of Ockham
Born: 1284
Died: April 10, 1347 -
Nicholas of Cusa
Born: 1401
Died: August 11, 1464 -
The develpment of the printing press
Johaness Gutenberg, began desingning a machine capable of producing pages of text really fast. -
May 29, 1453
The fall of constantinople
The conquest of constantinople by the Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire. -
Feb 24, 1463
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
Born: February 24, 1463
Died: November 7, 1494 -
May 3, 1469
Niccolo Machiavell
Born: May 3, 1469
Died: Juna 21, 1527 -
Feb 19, 1473
Nicolaus Copernicus
Born: February 19, 1473
Died: May 24, 1543 -
The invasion of america
The invasion of america started in 1492, the europeans where searching for god,gold, and glory. -
The Reformation
The reformation begun when the german monk Martin Luther published his ninety-five theses of the castle church in Wittenberg. He argues that the church must be reformed -
Giordano Bruno
Born: 1548
Died: February 17, 1600 -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
Born: February 15, 1564
Died: January 8, 1642 -
Thomas Hobbes
Born: April 5, 1588
Died: December 4, 1679 -
René Descartes
Born: March 31, 1596
Died: February 11, 1650 -
Elisabeth of Bohemia
Born: December 26, 1618
Died: February 11, 1680 -
Margaret Cavendish
Born: 1623
Died: December 16, 1673 -
Baruch Spinoza
Born: November 24, 1632
Died: February 21, 1677 -
Isaac Newton
Born: January 4, 1643
Died: March 31, 1727 -
Gottfried leibniz
Born: July 1, 1646
Died: November 14, 1716 -
Sor Juan Inés de la Cruz
Born: 12 of November of 1648
Died: 17th of April of 1695 -
Émilie du Châtelet
Born: December 17, 1706
Died: September 10, 1749 -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Born: June 28, 1712
Died: July 2, 1778 -
The independence of USA
The french revolution
The french revolution began in 1789 and lasted until 1799. The king lous XVI needed money, he raised the taxes for the people but failed to work. Instead it backfired and created a chain of events, starting with some protests.