string was used to make it easier to hold on to the kite when it is in the sky. the string was invented when the prehistoric humans walked the earth. These were all BC. -
THe hat was invented to fly up into the sky and was invented BC. No one knows wo invented it -
Jan 7, 1292
The Kite
Marco Polo is given credit for enventing the kite because he brought it from China. In china there is a philspher that wrote, One day a man tied string to his hat and then atatched it to his hand. It was said that the hat was carried off into teh wind t create the fist Kite! -
Without the kite, Benjamin Franklin wouldnt have discovered electricity so soon. -
Period: to
The Airplane was ifluenced by the kite because they wanted to use the wind! It was inveented by the Wright Brothers. -
Hang Glider
The Hang Glider came 5 years after the airplane was invented. It was influenced by the Kite and Airplane. Was invented by George A. Spratt.