Timeline - Kaedyn Powers

  • Declration Of Independance

    This document announced the seperation of 13 north american colonies from great britain
  • Lord Dunmore's Ethiopian Regiment

    Lord Dunmore was a govener of the colony of virgina. He issued a proclamtion known as "Dunmores Proclamation" saying all slave black mean who helped him would be given their freedom.
  • Springfeild Arsenal is built

    Town across the common wealth vote to reject a proposed state constitution.
  • American Alliance with France

    This formalized France's finachal and miltary support of the revolutionary government in America.
  • Convention

    A special convention meets to form a state consituion. The 312 delegates apoint commitie.
  • John Hancock

    John Hancock was elected Governer in MA.
  • paper money

    State paper money issued in 1778 deprciates to 1/40 of its face value.
  • Samuel

    Samuel Ely leads western massachusetts protest against court system and state tax policy.

    John Adams nagotitates a $50,00,00 loan from the Netherlands to the US.
  • John shattuck

    John Shattuck of Groton MA, leads a group of men with staves and clubs against local tax collectors.
  • Lawsuits

    Lawsuits for unpaid debts take over the MA courts. There was alot of debts that people needed to take care of.
  • Luke day

    Luke Day was imprisoned for 70 days in north hampton for filure to pay 2 debts. These were big debts that he just never got round to paying.
  • Shays Rebalion

    This was a violent insercction, Shays rebelion was brought about by a montray debt crisis. This was just multiole violent acts on the courthouse and other governemnt properties.