
Timeline: Jonathan Swift

By inna12
  • Period: to


  • Jonathan Swift born

    Jonathan Swift born
  • Began education at Kilkenny Grammar School.

    Began education at Kilkenny Grammar School.
    *Exact date is unknown.
  • Period: to

    Attended, and graduated from, Trinity College in Dublin.

    ~ Earned his B.A.
    ~ He was not a good student, though.
  • William of Orange invades England.

    William of Orange invades England.
    That causes Swift to go from Dublin, Ireland to England after his college is closed. He hopes to get some kind of job in the Anglican Church.
  • Period: to

    Life Events in 1689

    ~ Became secretary to Sir William Temple, a diplomat.
    ~ Met Esther Johnson- "Stella"
    ~ Began to suffer from Meniere's Disease.
  • Swift returns to Ireland

    Swift returns to Ireland
    Doctors recommended for Jonathan to go back to Ireland.
  • Life Events 1691

    Life Events 1691
    ~ Swift returns from Ireland to England.
    ~ He visits Oxford,
  • Life Events 1692

    Life Events 1692
    ~ Got his M.A. degree from Oxford University.
    ~ Published his first poem.
  • Left Temple and returned to Ireland to take orders from the church.

    Left Temple and returned to Ireland to take orders from the church.
  • Was ordained as priest in Church of Ireland.

    Was ordained as priest in Church of Ireland.
  • Swift returned to Sir William Temple

    Swift returned to Sir William Temple
  • Period: to

    Composed "A Tale of a Tub"- his first great work.

  • Composed "The Battle of the Books"

    Composed "The Battle of the Books"
  • Sir William Temple dies.

    Sir William Temple dies.
  • Became the Vicar of Laracor

    Became the Vicar of Laracor
  • Earned his D.D. from Dublin University

    Earned his D.D. from Dublin University
  • Published his first political pamphlet.

    Published his first political pamphlet.
    Pamphlet was about supporting the Whigs against the Tories.
  • Three of Swift's books were anonymously published.

    Three of Swift's books were anonymously published.
    ~The books: A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, and The Mechanical Operation of the Spirit.
  • Period: to

    Life Events of 1707

    ~ Was sent to London as an emissary of the Irish clergy.
    ~ Was rejected by the government and the queen because they thought he was not religious.
    ~ Met Esther Vanhomrigh- "Vanessa".
  • Period: to

    Life Events of 1708

    ~ Met Addison and Steele.
    ~ Published his Bickerstaff Papers.
    ~ Published a series of ironical pamphlets on church questions.
  • Period: to

    Life Events in 1710

    ~ Published "A Description of a City Shower".
    ~ Left the Whigs and allied with the Tories.
    ~ Became the editor of the Tory newspaper The Examiner.
  • Period: to

    Wrote a series of letters to Esther Johnson.

    They would eventually be published as "The Journal to Stella".
  • Became the Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.

    Became the Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.
  • Period: to

    Life Events in 1714

    ~ Became a member of the newly founded Scriblerus Club.
    ~ Queen Anne dies and George I took the throne.
    ~ Tories, including Swift, fell from power.
    ~ He returned to Ireland.
    ~ After this, he stopped writing and fell into depression.
  • Swift MAY have married Esther Johnson.

    Swift MAY have married Esther Johnson.
  • Published a series of powerful tracts about problems in Ireland.

    Published a series of powerful tracts about problems in Ireland.
  • Started writing "Gulliver's Travels".

  • Period: to

    Published "The Drapier Letters" and completed "Gulliver's Travels"

    "The Drapier Letters" gained him popularity in Ireland.
  • Visited England; published "Gulliver's Travels"

    Visited England; published "Gulliver's Travels"
  • Visited England for the last time.

    Visited England for the last time.
  • Period: to

    Five volumes of "Miscellanies" by Swift and Pope were published.

  • Esther Johnson- "Stella", died.

    Esther Johnson- "Stella", died.
  • "A Modest Proposal" was published.

    "A Modest Proposal" was published.
  • Published "A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed."

    Published "A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed."
  • Period: to

    His Meniere's Disease became worse.

  • A collected edition of his works was published in Dublin.

    A collected edition of his works was published in Dublin.
  • Period: to

    Life Events in 1738

    ~ He fell into senility.
    ~ He suffered a stroke that made him paralyzed.
  • Jonathan Swift died.

    Jonathan Swift died.