timeline inventions

  • Invention of the Computer

    Invention of the Computer
    The computer was invented by Charles Babbage
  • inventing of the telegraph

    inventing of the telegraph
    Samuel Finley Breese Morse, patented the electric telegraph
  • Telephone invention

    Telephone invention
    The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell, it was not a telephone at all, but it transmitted sounds from side to side.
  • Invention of the radio

    Invention of the radio
    The radio was invented by Guillermo Marconi
  • Inventing o the television

    Inventing o the television
    Television was invented by John Logie Baird in 1923 in the city of Hastings, England and the first television image was broadcast by Baird in 1926
  • Invention mobile phone

    Invention mobile phone
    By the ingenier Martyn Cooper
  • Invention of tablet

    Invention of tablet
    alan kay invented the tablet