
Timeline: Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to


    Were constructed especially for the transport of high-volume cargo.
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    Are create by Newcomen
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Frist Industrial Revolution

    Frist Industrial Revolution
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    Are create by James Watt
  • Steam-powered vehicle

    Steam-powered vehicle
    Are create by Cugnot
  • The Wealth of Nations

    The Wealth of Nations
    Adam Smith write this book
  • Steamboat

    Are create by d'Abbans
  • Steam-powered looms

    Steam-powered looms
  • Vaccine aginst smallpox

    Vaccine aginst smallpox
    Are discovered by Edward Jenner
  • Period: to

    Europeans emigrated to other contients

  • High-pressure steam engine

    High-pressure steam engine
    Are create by Trevithick
  • Steamboat with wheels

    Steamboat with wheels
    Are create by Fulton
  • Steam train

    Steam train
    Are create by Stephenson
  • Right of assembly

    Right of assembly
    Was the frist granted in Great Britain.
  • The Stockton-Darlington railway

    The Stockton-Darlington railway
  • Regular passenger-line

    Regular passenger-line
  • Period: to

    Industrialisation in France

  • Period: to


    Was the frist organised labour movement eith political goals.
  • Marx published the Communist Manifesto

    Marx published the  Communist Manifesto
  • The steam plough

    The steam plough
    Are create by Fowler
  • The frist oil wells were drilled

    The frist oil wells were drilled
  • The frist International Workindmen´s Association

    The frist International Workindmen´s Association
  • Period: to

    Meiji period

    Emperor Meiji ended feudalism and brought Japan into the the Industrial Age.
  • Second Industrial Revolution

    Second Industrial Revolution
  • Socialist International

    Socialist International
    To coordinate Marxist labour organisation.
  • Socialism without the state

    Socialism without the state
    G. P. Maximoff, Bakunin´s political philosophy.