Timeline great depression final

  • Indian Citizenship Act 1924

    The Indian Citizenship Act granted Native Americans born in the U.S Citizenship and gave them the right to vote. This was still governed by states so they couldn vote in a lot of states still.
  • Hoover dame authorized

    Hoover dame authorized
    Dame #Flood control #Hydroelectric
  • Hoover inaugurated

    Hoover inaugurated
    Hoover #New President #31 President
  • Black thursday

    Black thursday was on October 24 1929 and was when the stock market opened 11% lower than it was the day before causing mass panic selling and the stock market crash.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    This political cartoon shows black Tuesday and everything crashing in just one day.
  • Dust Bowl exacerbated

    Dust Bowl exacerbated
    Dust bowl exacerbated causing many people to move out of the midwest.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

    The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was an act that regulated commerce with foreign countries to protect American business and hurt other who usually traded with the U.S.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    War #Japan # Manchuria #Industrial growth
  • 20th Amendment

  • Bonus Army march

    Bonus Army march
    Tis political cartoon shows president Hoover watching the bonus army march looking worried holding his because he knows he can't give them their bonuses. They were marching because they lost all their money from the great depression and were owed money from the war.
  • FDR elected

    FDR elected
    This political cartoon shows FDR throwing out all of the things Hoover did and doing his own things instead like the New Deal.
  • Emergency Banking Act

    New act helps get our banks back?
    The new Emergency Banking Act helps the government control banks more so the people will never lose their money again.
  • TVA established

    TVA established
    This is a map of where the TVA worked on improving development in the Tennessee area.
  • PWA created

    New job opportunities for all thanks to FDR.
    Today FDR created the PWA now you can get a job and get paid well.
  • Glass-Steagall Act

    Glass-Steagall Act
    Glass-Steagall #Seperated banks #Safer money #FDR
  • AAA established

    The AAA was and act asking farmers to limit the number of crops they plant and receive Federal subsidies instead. This helped drive up the price of crops helping the economy.
  • Gold reserve act

    The Gold reserve act was an act to try and stop hoarding of gold. The hoarding of gold had stalled economic growth and worsened the depression because the U.S was using the gold standard for their currency.
  • Wagner Act

    Unions for all, time for better workers comp.
    FDR passes new law allowing workers to unionise and protect each other.
  • first Social Security number issued

    Social security numbers were first issued to determine the wages of an American citizen to determine if they were eligible for social security benefits.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    New act from FDR make work even better?
    The new fair labor standards act makes new rules helping workers even more than before.