Tsar Alexander is assassinated
He was the emperor of Russia -
The Khodynka Tragedy
A stampede in Moscow occurs during festivities, around 1,300 of people died. -
Levantamiento Armado
Los revolucionarios se levantan en armas en Gómez Palacio. -
Decena Trágica
Torreón atraviesa 10 días de sangrientos combates en la ciudad. -
División del Norte
Francisco Villa y revolucionarios se reúnen en la Hacienda de La Loma y forman la División del Norte. -
Outbreak of First World War
Germany declares war on Russia, and Russia enters the WW1 -
Battle between Germans and Russians
A battle between the Germans and the Russians that ended in Russian defeat. -
An offensive by the french army
An offensive by the french army and the British against the Germans who invaded Belgium. -
The First Great
The first great clashes on the Western front of World War I. -
Communism spread to Yugoslavia
after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia -
Creación del PNR
Plutarco Elías Calles crea el Partido Nacional Revolucionario. -
Creation of the Soviet Union
Vladimir I. Lenin is found dead
Vladimir I. Lenin is found dead in Gorki Leninskiye, Russia -
Primer levantamiento Cristero
Primer levantamiento Cristero en Huejuquilla el Alto. -
Primer Combate Cristero
Cristeros toman Cocula, Jalisco
Fin de la Guerra Cristera
New Aliances
Hitler gained a new alliance with Mussolini the leader of Italy. -
Hitler violates treaty
Hitler began a military draft that would expand Germany’s army. With this he violates the Treaty of Versailles, which was done after the World War I. -
Creación del PRM
9 años después el partido es renovado con el nombre de Partido de la Revolución Mexicana. -
Hitler and the Soviets
Hitler afraid that the West and the Soviet Union could make an alliance, and made his own treat with Stalin. Germany attacked Poland and with this Britain and France declared war to Germany -
Creación del PRI
El partido se renueva una vez más y queda con el nombre de Partido Revolucionario Institucional. -
Communists from Czechoslovakia organize wave of mass protests and strikes.
Cold War
US and the soviets competed to see who could get first to space. -
The US tried to invade Cuba and failed
The soviets installed several missile sites in Cuba
This was the closest the US and the Soviets were to fighting -
Mikhai Gorbachev announced that countries in the Warsaw Pact were free to determine their own futures
The Berlin Wall falls down
End of Soviet Union