Timeline from 1800 to 1876

  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    On this day the U.S. bought 828,000 square miles of Frances land for 15 million dollars.
  • Period: to

    Expedition of Lewis and Clark

    This was an expedition sent by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the Mississippi river and most of the western part of the United States that they had just purchased from the French.
  • Invention of the Steam boat

    Robert Fulton invented the steamboat. This made transportation quicker.
  • First U.S. Highway

    First U.S. Highway
    The first big highway in the US was built called Cumberland Rd.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    This was a war between the United States and Great Britain. The reason for the war was because Great Britain was restricting U.S. trade. America also wanted to expand its territory. The outcome of the was a tie.
  • First American Long-Distance Railroad

    First American Long-Distance Railroad
    The first American long-distance railroad was the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
  • The Indian Removal Act

    On this day Congress passed the Indian Removal Act. This act relocated many Native American tribes out of existing state borders.
  • The Invention of the Steel Plow

    The Invention of the Steel Plow
    The steel plow was invented by John Deere. It was created because the current wooden plows were breaking in the tougher soil in the west. This created a more durable and efficient plow.
  • The Morse Code invented

    The Morse Code invented
    The Morse Code was invented by Samuel Morse and made communication easier and faster over distance
  • Texas becomes a State

    On this day Texas was annexed as a state. It entered as a Slave State
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected as President

    Abraham Lincoln Elected as President
    On this day Abraham Lincoln won the election for president against John C. Breckinridge. He was a Republican. He was Assassinated office.
  • Period: to

    The U.S. Civil War

    This was a war between the Confederate South and the Union North in the U.S. This war was fought mainly because of the debate on slavery in the United States. The Union wanted to abolish slavery but the Confederacy wanted it because it was the backbone of their economy. The outcome of the war was a Union Victory.