American Declaration of Independence
The American Declaration of Independence was when Thomas Jefferson announced that American colonies want independence. He wrote a letter on the June 11th to the British explaining being Independent to the British. This meant that they weren't part of the British Commonwealth and didnt pay the taxes to the British. -
Australian First Fleet
The First Fleet left Port South Mouth England on the 13th of May 1787, 11 ships set sail for their journey to Australia. It took over 252 days and the fleet took 1500 men, children,women and prisoners. The Fleet arrived in Botany bay on 18th Janurary for a few days rest then on January 26th the fleet finally arrived at their anchorage at Sydney Cove in Port Jackson. -
French Revolution
The Citizens of Paris, stormed the Bastile prison on the 14th July 1789. This symbolised the beginning of the French Revolution. The reason why people stormed the Bastile in France is because of high food prices and high leveled taxes which made it hard for the people to cope with. -
1799, Dutch East India Company vanishes
The Dutch East India company was a stong trading company that helped the Dutch rule Indonesia . It started in 1602, and the company lost money and vanished in about 1799. (The actual date of when the company vanished is unkown). -
George Stephenson invents the first Lococmotive
The invention of the first locomotive had a major influence on the society in the early 19th Century. The invention helped transport goods from place to place and large amounts of supplies were able to be moved. This had a huge change on the efficiency and comfort of transportation . -
Michael Faraday demonstrates the principle of an electric motor
Michael Faraday demonstrates the principles of the eletric motor. He published his work in 1821. This was a significant event the priciple helped others to invent electric appliances that soon became an integrel part of day to day living. However the need for a reliable source of electricity became apparant. -
George Stephenson build the first railway
The first railway was built between Liverpool and Manchester in England. The purpose of this railway was to transport goods from Liverpool to Manchester. The railway was 21km long. -
Samuel Morse invents morse code
Morse Code is an device which you transmit messages, a basic form of distant communication. The way the device works is that it uses electrical current to transmit messages to the other morse coder by pressing a switch or button which to send the message in "beeps" The person decodes the message by a standard conversion chart. This device was often usede in the army and Naval forces. -
Gold is discovered in Ballarat, Australia
The discovery of Gold bought people all around the world. Thousands of people mined gold in Ballarat and surrondings to find their treasure and support there family's income. People came from countries such as China, and also bought their food 7 culture. -
The start of the American Civil War
The American civil war lasted for 4 years.The war took more lives than any other in history. The war was between the United States government and a group of states that had withdrawn from the union. It was also the biggest civil war in history. -
The last shipment of convicts disembarking in Western Australia
The last shipment of convicts arrives in Western Australia from Enmgland. From then onwards in time there were no more convicts arriving to Australia. -
First Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell invents the acoustic telephone. The purpose of the telephone is to communicate with other people by using this device. The telephone consists of a speaker, microphone and dialing mechanism. This invention has changed the way how people live these days and telephones have become more sophistacated as the invention of cell phones became very handy especially in todays society. -
Thomas Edison invents the light bulb
The invention of the light bulb revolutionised the way we live our lives today. No longer did we only work in the day time and rest at night. This invention helped everyone around the world see a lot easy inside building,homes, places etc. with the flick of a switch. -
Karl Benz uses an internal combustion engine in the first "Automoblie"
The first automoblie had been invented by Karl Benz, the automobile had 3 wheels and could travel up to speeds of 10 mph, (16km/h). And had a major role on transportation. -
First Modern Olympics (in Athens)
The first Olympics was held in Athens and started on the 6th April 1896. 14 countries competed allthough most were Greek. Some sports consisted of track and field, fencing, weightlifting and swimming. They wore very few clothes 7 some were naked. Only men competed . -
Australian Federation
This is when Australia became one nation. All six colonies(states) agreed to make Austrlaia become one nation which was on the 1st of January 1901 in Federation Square. -
Wright Brothers invent the first plane
The Wright brothers invented the first plane thatwas controlled by man actually sitting in it. The first flight lasted only for 12 seconds and travelled 120 feet. -
Titanic sinks
The Titanic was the world's largest passenger cruisers back in 1912. It used the modern technology and was proven that the ship was "unsinkable". But when the ship left England for New York on April 10th 1912 it did not reach its destiny. The ship struck an Iceberg on 14th April and the ship sunk taking more than 1500 lives. -
Austria declares War
The start of World War one symbolises that it was the first war that the whole world was involved. The war started on the 28th July when Austria declared war on Serbia. -
World War one ends
World War one ended on the 11th of November. Thousands of lives were lost and many family's struggled to live a normal life after. As soon as the war ended all the major empires in Europe vanished.