Timeline For World History

By Tev1234
  • 13

    a zulu chief Shaka used highly disciplined warriors and good military organization to create a large centralized state.
  • Period: to

    Africa and Asia

  • 1

    European trading with africa becomes well established
  • 2

    Napolean III proclaims himself emporer of France
  • 3

    Suez Canal opens
  • 4

    Bismarck completes unification of german empire
  • 14

    zulu king Cetshwayo refused to dismiss his army andaccept british rule
  • 5

    berlin conference sets rules for african colonization
  • 5678986

    Menelik II became emporer
  • 16

    Boer war begins
  • 6

    US. aqquires philippines,annexes Hawaii
  • 7

    U.S. wins Spanish american war
  • 8

    Boer War begins in south africa
  • 9

    mexican revolution begins
  • 10

    most of africa is under european control
  • 11

    world war I begins
  • 12

    WWI ends