Timeline for the Age of Revolution and Industry

  • The Manchu overthrow the Ming dynasty of China

  • Period: to

    Peter the Great rules Russia; Frederick the Great becomes king of Prussia; expanded territory, strong military

  • Period: to

    Seven Years' War ensues, with France, Austria, and Russia clashing against Prussia and England

  • James Cook visits regions in the Pacific

  • America declares independence from England

  • French Revolution begins with the fall of the Bastille in Paris

  • As part of the Enlightenment, Thomas Paine publishes The Right of Man

  • Napoleon declares himself emperor of France, beginning the Napoleonic Era

  • Wars for independence begin in Spanish America

  • Period: to

    British Empire at its peak under Queen Victoria 1

  • Years of revolution in all Europe

  • Period: to

    American Civil war

  • Union Pacific Railroad links the East and West coasts of the United States