Timeline for the Age of Discovery

  • 1441

    Portuguese begin slave trade from Africa to Europe

  • 1448

    Portuguese explorers reach the southern part of Africa

  • 1453

    Fall of the eastern Roman Empire (Constantinople)

  • 1454

    Gutenberg invents the printing machine

  • 1492

    Columbus sails from Spain to America

  • 1492

    Spain unified & expels the Jews and Spanish moors; Colonization of the Americas begins with Christopher Columbus in the Dominican Republic

  • 1497

    Portuguese reach India

  • 1500

    Inca Empire at its peak in Peru

  • 1508

    Begin the colonization of Puerto Rico

  • 1511

    Begin the colonization of Cuba

  • 1517

    Martin Luther begins the religious Reformation in Europe

  • 1520

    Suleiman rules the Ottoman Empire

  • 1522

    Magellan travels around the world (Portuguese)

  • 1535

    Spain completes the conquest of the Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in Peru

  • 1543

    Copernicus suggests that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the universe

  • 1571

    Europeans defeat the Muslim Ottomans in the battle of Lepanto

  • England defeats the Spanish Armada and becomes the greatest naval power in the world

  • England begins the colonization of North America

  • Galileo uses a new invention, the telescope, to study the universe

  • Thirty Years' War begins (The Holy Roman Empire, Great Britain, Dutch Republiv, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, France, Spain, and Austria)