Timeline for St. Vincent and Grenadines

  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    St. Vincent and the Grenadines

  • May 20, 1498

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus visits the main island on st. Vincent's day.
  • British and French

    British and French
    British,with French support, deports 5,000 caribs to Belize following an uprising.
  • First recorded

    First recorded
    First recorded eruption of La Soufriere volcano which resulted in many casualties.
  • Slavery Abolished

    Slavery Abolished
    Slavery abolished, forcing plantation owners to free more than 18,000 slaves; foreign labourers indentured.
  • Second eruption

    Second eruption
    Second eruption of La Soufriere volcano results in the death of 2,000 inhabitants.
  • St Vincent granted

    St Vincent granted
    St Vincent granted internal self-government, with Britain retaining responsibility for foreign and defense affairs.
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines

    St Vincent and the Grenadines
    St Vincent and the Grenadines become independent with Milton Cato of the center-left St Vincent Labor Party as prime minister.
  • Revolt on Union

    Revolt on Union
    Revolt on Union Island by a group that wanted more power in the country's new government put down.
  • Workers stage

    Workers stage
    Workers stage a general strike in protest at new industrial relations legislation against the background of an economic recession.
  • James Mitchell

    James Mitchell
    James Mitchell becomes prime minister after his centre-right New Democratic Party (NDP) wins a surprising victory in the general election.