Contenental congress
The First Continental Congress took place from September 5 through October 26, 1774. Delegates from each colony except Georgia met at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They discussed the current situation with Britain including the Intolerable Acts, which the British Parliament had imposed on Boston as punishment for the Boston Tea Party. -
Battle of Lexington and concord set of the Revolutionary War. The battle was a very small battle. When the British arrived there were only 80 american Militiamen in the town. By the time British made it to Boston they had lost 73 men and 174 were wounded. The Americans had lost 49 men and 41 were wounded. Around 15,000 militiamen surrounded Boston the days the battles happened. -
Green Mountain boys began to sneak across the river at night. Half the men didn't even cross the river before sun rise. But, instead of waiting for instead of waiting for his men Ethan Allen attacked. There were 700 British troops garrisoned they rescued 118 American. He also captured 293 British troops. -
second continental congress
The Second Continental Congress first met on May 10 1775. After that, the delegates continued to meet in different sessions until March of 1781 when the Articles of the Confederation were signed. The first meeting was at the State House in Philadelphia, which would later be called Independence Hall, but they also had sessions in other locations including Baltimore, Maryland and York, Pennsylvania. -
Bunker Hill
The British went to capture two hills but the American went to defend the hills. So this meant that the British couldn't get the advantages of higher ground on the hills. Around 226 British were killed and 800 were wounded. And the Americans did mot suffer nearly as much casualties as the British. -
The First major battle lost for Americans. The British won They over powered. The Americans wanted to take over the city it was snowing also there general was wounded. 400 Americans were captured. -
Long Island
The British attacked in early morning hours of August they sent in a small force at the center of the American defense. While the Americans focused on this smaller attack. While the British were getting all there other men and surrounding the Americans. Americans had 1000 Casualties and 300 killed. -
Fort Washington
When Washington arrived in Trenton Hessian´s not prepared for such an attack, They soon surrendered. The casualties were low on both sides with the Hessian suffering 22 deaths and 83 injuries and the Americans 2 deaths 5 injuries the Americans captured around 1000 Hassians, -
The Americans won the battle. The hesitant lowered their guard so when they did that Washington stock and caught them off guard the Americans left for this battle on Christmas night . This win inspired them to server longed. 1000 meshes were captured. Washington had the Hessian out numbered. The Hessian lost 22 the Americans lost 2. -
The front line consisted of around 150 riflemen. Rifles were slow to load, but accurate. He told these men to shoot at the British officers and then retreat. The second line was made up of 300 militiamen with muskets. Morgan's plan worked brilliantly. The riflemen took out several of the British officers and were still able to retreat to the main force. British suffered 110 dead, over 200 wounded, and hundreds more taken prisoner. -
Howe and Cornwallis split their 18,000 British troops into two separate divisions, with Howe leading an attack from the front and Cornwallis circling around and attacking from the right flank. The morning had provided the British troops with cover from a dense fog, so Washington was unaware the British had split into two divisions and was caught off guard by the oncoming British attack. -
Burgoyne's progress was slow and the British began to run out of food. Burgoyne sent some of his soldiers to Bennington, Vermont to find food and horses. However, Bennington was guarded by American General John Stark. They surrounded the British troops and captured around 500 soldiers. Americans won. British casualties about 600 men -
They were greatly outnumbered by the French and American troops. For eleven days the American forces bombarded the British. Finally Cornwallis sent out the white flag for surrender. He originally made a lot of demands to George Washington for his surrender, but Washington didn't agree. Around 8,000 British troops surrendered in Yorktown.