Timeline for social class

  • 270

    BCE Romans control all of Italy.

    This is important because it shows us that the Romans like to be in control of things and they like to rule. It involves the Romans, and it occurs throughout where the country Italy is now,
  • 371

    BCE Thebes defeats Sparta; wars between the city states are eroding Greek soiety.

    the thought to be invincible army of Sparta was defeated by Thebes. After Thebes won the war they were not acting as leader of Greece,
  • 400

    BCE Hippocrates practicces and studies medicine.

    He was/is known as the father of Western medicine. He was the first person to believe that diseases were caused naturally and not by supersition and gods.
  • 447

    BCE the construction of the Parthenon has just started in Athens.

    It was a temple that was built for Athena. Its a classical architectual style. Parthenon means temple of the virgin goddess.
  • 450

    BCE Twelve Tables of Roman Law are written.

    This is one of the first attemps of Romans to make a code of law. Ten men were appointed to make up the codes.The first ten were written then a few years later the last two were written.they started writing the first ones in about 451 BCE and the last two were done being written in about 449 BCE.
  • 505

    BCE Cleisthenes establishes the first democratic constitution (a set of laws to define and limit the governemnt's power). Free speech and political involvement is extended to all Greek citizens.

    I think that this is important because it shows that they have realized that it was a mistake in the past for one person or a few people to hold all the power and not have any limitations on how they used that power. It is also important because they are a true Democratic society now.
  • 507

    BCE A demoratic constitution sets rules for goernance in Athens.

    The person that was in power at this time and the one that set up most of the rules was Cleisthenes. He was known as the father of Athenien democracy.
  • Jan 1, 621

    BCE Athens develops a written code of laws

    These laws were written by Draco and they were witten on wooden tablets. This is important because it replaced system before it which was an oral law and blood feud which is not a very humane way to solve issues.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Before 8th century BCE Most city states were monarchies

    I think that this is important because it shows that the people in Greece did not get a choice in matters that affected them.
  • Jan 1, 700

    BCE to 650 BCE Most Greek city-states become oligarchies ruled by the wealthy wine and olive oil merchants and landowners. In this period, many farmers in Greece become impoverished and are sold into slavery.

    This is important because it shows us that Greece is slowly getting controlled by the citizens, not all of the citizens yet but by more than just one person.
  • Jan 1, 753

    BCE Romulus and Remus found the city of Rome, according to legend.

    Remus and Rolulus were two brothers who were abandoned to die but a wolf came along and raised them. After they found out who they were they went back to where they were born and got the throne back for their grandfather. They were next in line for the throne but they didn't want it, they decided that they wanted to make a new city. It is important because it is one of the ways that Romans believe they came to be, They believe they are offsprings of demigods.
  • Jan 1, 776

    BCE The first Olympic Games take place

    The first olympics were held in the city Olympia in honor of the god Zeus. Only men were allowed to compete in the games and the games continued for nearly 12 centuries.
  • 44 BCE Julius Caesar is assassinated on the Ides of March.

    This involved Caesar and the sixty other people that stabbed him. He was stabbed on his way to the Capitol. This is important because it shows that even if you are all powerful you can still be taken down. It also shows us that Rome was not happy with him and that Cassius, Brutus, etc were not happy with him having so much power.
  • 49 BCE Julius Caesar seizes complete control of Rome as a dictator.

    This is important because it shows that Rome did not like having one person rule over them, as they assinated him soon after he became the dictator. Caesar had a very strong influence over the people of Rome. He was very persuasive and could make people see his way of things.
  • 80 AD Roman Collosseum is built

    They started building the Colosseum in 72 AD and finished in 80 AD. The colosseum is one of the largest buildings ever built in the Roman Empire. It is located in the heart of piazza del Colosseo.
  • -126 Roman Pantheon is built.

    The Pantheon was built in Rome, Italy. This temple was built for all of the gods. The Pantheon is one of hte best perserved of all the Roman buildings. It is now used as a church. The building is circular with a large "porch" attatched to it. There is a hole in the top of the dome to let in light,
  • BCE the persians are defeated by Greeks in the Battle of Marathon.

    It is quite amazing that the Greeks won because they did not nearly have as many people fighting; at least 10,000 less. Even more surprisingly they only lost about 200 people while the Persians lost a lot more.
  • BCE Socrates is sentenced to death on charges of corrupting the young with his ideas and teahings.

    he was a philosopher and was sometimes refered to as the gadfly of the state. After he was put in jail he was sectenced to death and forced to drink poison.
  • BCE to 559 BCE Solon becomes sole ruler in Athens and makes reforms to government. The poorer classes are included in making government decisions through an elected council, and many people are freed from slavery due debts.

    I think that this is important because this is when they first saw that people are created equal and that everyone should have a say in what happens to them. It is also important because it is the beginning of democracy.