Timeline for social 9

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    Timeline for social 9

  • Quebec act

    Quebec act
    The Quebec act was put in place to gain the loyalty of French-speaking majority in province of Quebec.
  • Red River resistence

    Red River resistence
    was a squence of events that led up to the 1869 establishment of a provisional governement. The metis mounted a resistence to negotiate terms for entering confederation. The uprising led to the creation of the province Manitoba.
  • The Manitoba Act

    The Manitoba Act
    In 1870 The Manitoba Act was a constitutional statute that created the Province of Manitoba. It gave the Metis most of what they asked for, notably responsible government, the status of province, bilingual institutions, confessional schools, and guaranteed property rights with respect to Indian lands.
  • Treaty 6

    Treaty 6
    A perspective from Treaty 6. We made treaties with Great Britain and the trust was given to the Canadian Government to live up to our treaties. Ever since the first treaties, First Nations have felt that [Canadian] officials have not complied with those treaties. -constitution of the Indian association
  • The Indian Act

    The Indian Act
    The Numbered Treaties confirmed that the Canadian governments duty to protect the collective rights of First Nations. The Indian Act was one way the government attempted to do this. Under the act, the federal government is able to develop specific policies and programs to administer Treaty rights to First Nations.
  • Treaty 7

    Treaty 7
    In 1939 the economic adjustment of the Indians to modern life is a large problem. We need to make the Indians lead the normal life of the ordinary Canadian citizen.
  • Treaty 8

    Treaty 8
    Treaty 8 concluded on June 21 1899 signing by representatives of the crown and various First Nations of the lesser Slave Lake area, is the most comprehensive of the one of eleven Numbered Treaties. the agreement encompassed a land mass of approximately 840,00, km squared
  • Bill 101

    Bill 101
    Bill 101 demands that French must be the language of legislation and the courts, administration, work, business, and even education.
  • Anti-terrosim act

    Anti-terrosim act
    The anti-terrosim act was an act that created measures to take enforcement action against those responsible for terrorist activities.
  • No-fly LIst

    No-fly LIst
    The No-fly LIst was a list created for anyone who looked like a terrorist couldn't fly on an airplane due to the 9-11 crash in 2001. This rule only applied to passengers, the age 12 and up that fit this description. People who fit the description will have to show proof of there name and if it's a somewhat terrorist, they would not be able to aboard an airplane.